- indeterminacy
- [͵ındıʹtɜ:mınəsı] n
неопределённость; неопределимость
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Indeterminacy — may refer to: * Indeterminacy in computation (disambiguation) * The indeterminacy problem in history and sociology * aleatoric music and indeterminacy in music. * Statically indeterminate *Indeterminacy (literature) a literary termIn law: *… … Wikipedia
indeterminacy — of translation … Philosophy dictionary
indeterminacy — index ambiguity, ambivalence, chance (possibility) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
indeterminacy — (n.) 1640s, see INDETERMINATE (Cf. indeterminate) + ACY (Cf. acy) … Etymology dictionary
indeterminacy — [in΄dē tʉr′mi nə sē, in΄ditʉr′mi nə sē] n. the state or quality of being indeterminate … English World dictionary
indeterminacy — [[t]ɪ̱ndɪtɜ͟ː(r)mɪnəsi[/t]] N UNCOUNT The indeterminacy of something is its quality of being uncertain or vague. [FORMAL] ...the indeterminacy of language … English dictionary
indeterminacy — /in di terr meuh neuh see/, n. the condition or quality of being indeterminate; indetermination. [1640 50; INDETERMIN(ATE) + ACY] * * * ▪ literature in literature, the multiplicity of possible interpretations of given textual elements. The… … Universalium
indeterminacy — neapibrėžtis statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. indefiniteness; indeterminacy; uncertainty vok. Unbestimmtheit, f rus. неопределенность, f pranc. incertitude, f … Automatikos terminų žodynas
indeterminacy — indeterminate ► ADJECTIVE 1) not exactly known, established, or defined. 2) Mathematics (of a quantity) having no definite or definable value. DERIVATIVES indeterminacy noun indeterminately adverb … English terms dictionary
Indeterminacy (philosophy) — Indeterminacy, in philosophy, can refer both to common scientific and mathematical concepts of uncertainty and their implications and to another kind of indeterminacy deriving from the nature of definition or meaning.[citation needed] It is… … Wikipedia
Indeterminacy in concurrent computation — is concerned with the effects of indeterminacy in concurrent computation. Computation is an area in which indeterminacy is becoming increasingly important because of the massive increase in concurrency due to networking and the advent of… … Wikipedia