- incredulous
- [ınʹkredjʋləs] a
недоверчивый, скептический
incredulous look [smile] - недоверчивый /скептический/ взгляд [-ая улыбка]
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
incredulous look [smile] - недоверчивый /скептический/ взгляд [-ая улыбка]
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Incredulous — In*cred u*lous (?; 135), a. [L. incredulus. See {In } not, and {Credulous}.] [1913 Webster] 1. Not credulous; indisposed to admit or accept that which is related as true, skeptical; unbelieving. Bacon. [1913 Webster] A fantastical incredulous… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
incredulous — (adj.) unbelieving, 1570s, from L. incredulus unbelieving, incredulous, from in not (see IN (Cf. in ) (1)) + credulus (see CREDULOUS (Cf. credulous)). Formerly also of religious beliefs. Related: Incredulously; incredulousness … Etymology dictionary
incredulous — [in krej′oo ləs] adj. [L incredulus: see IN 2 & CREDULOUS] 1. unwilling or unable to believe; doubting; skeptical 2. showing doubt or disbelief [an incredulous look] incredulously adv … English World dictionary
incredulous — I adjective disposed to doubt, distrustful, doubtful, doubting, dubious, hard to convince, incredulus, indisposed to believe, mistrustful, questioning, skeptical, slow to believe, suspecting, suspicious, unbelieving, unconvinced, untrusting,… … Law dictionary
incredulous — [adj] unbelieving disbelieving, distrustful, doubtful, doubting, dubious, hesitant, mistrustful, questioning, quizzical, show me*, skeptical, suspect, suspicious, uncertain, unconvinced, unsatisfied, wary; concepts 403,529 Ant. believing,… … New thesaurus
incredulous — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ unwilling or unable to believe. DERIVATIVES incredulity noun incredulously adverb … English terms dictionary
incredulous — in|cred|u|lous [ınˈkredjuləs US dʒə ] adj unable or unwilling to believe something ▪ You sold the car? she asked, incredulous. incredulous look/expression/voice etc ▪ She shot him an incredulous look. >incredulously adv … Dictionary of contemporary English
incredulous — [[t]ɪnkre̱ʤʊləs[/t]] ADJ GRADED If someone is incredulous, they are unable to believe something because it is very surprising or shocking. He made you do it? Her voice was incredulous... There was a brief, incredulous silence. Derived words:… … English dictionary
incredulous — adjective /ɪnˈkɹɛdjʊləs/ a) Skeptical, disbelieving, or unable to believe. Xodar listened in incredulous astonishment to my narration of the events which had transpired within the arena at the rites of Issus. b) Expressing or indicative of… … Wiktionary
incredulous — adjective Etymology: Latin incredulus, from in + credulus credulous Date: 1579 1. unwilling to admit or accept what is offered as true ; not credulous ; skeptical 2. incredible 1 3. expressing incredulity < an incredulous stare > • incredulo … New Collegiate Dictionary
incredulous — incredulously, adv. incredulousness, n. /in krej euh leuhs/, adj. 1. not credulous; disinclined or indisposed to believe; skeptical. 2. indicating or showing unbelief: an incredulous smile. [1525 35; < L incredulus. See IN 3, CREDULOUS] Syn.… … Universalium