- incorrupt
- [͵ınkəʹrʌpt] a редк.
1. неразвращённый; неиспорченный2. честный, неподкупный
incorrupt judge - неподкупный судья
3. правильный, неискажённый
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
incorrupt judge - неподкупный судья
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Incorrupt — In cor*rupt , a. [L. incorruptus. See {In } not, and {Corrupt}.] [1913 Webster] 1. Not affected with corruption or decay; unimpaired; not marred or spoiled. [1913 Webster] 2. Not defiled or depraved; pure; sound; untainted; above the influence of … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Incorrupt — (v. lat.), unverdorben. Incorruptibel, 1) unverderblich; 2) unbestechlich. Incorruption, Unverdorbenheit, Unverderbtheit; Incorruptiv, unverderbbar, unverweslich, unvergänglich … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Incorrupt — Incorrupt, incorruptibel, lat. dtsch., das Gegentheil von corrupt etc., s. corrumpiren … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
incorrupt — index blameless, clean, dependable, equitable, high minded, honest, impartial, law abiding, loyal … Law dictionary
incorrupt — [in΄kə rupt′] adj. [ME incorrupte < L incorruptus] not corrupt; specif., a) Obs. uncontaminated; not rotten b) morally sound; not depraved, evil, impure, or perverted c) not taking bribes; upright; honest d) containing no errors, alterations,… … English World dictionary
incorrupt — adjective 1. free of corruption or immorality a policeman who was incorrupt and incorruptible • Ant: ↑corrupt • Similar to: ↑antiseptic, ↑incorruptible, ↑uncorrupted, ↑unspoiled … Useful english dictionary
incorrupt — also incorrupted adjective Etymology: Middle English, from Latin incorruptus, from in + corruptus corrupt Date: 14th century free from corruption: as a. obsolete not affected with decay b. not defiled or depraved ; upright c. free from error •… … New Collegiate Dictionary
incorrupt — incorruptly, adv. incorruptness, n. /in keuh rupt /, adj. 1. not corrupt; not debased or perverted; morally upright. 2. not to be corrupted; incorruptible. 3. not vitiated by errors or alterations. 4. Obs. free from decomposition or putrefaction … Universalium
incorrupt — adjective a) not corrupt, void of moral corruption b) free from physical decay … Wiktionary
incorrupt — Synonyms and related words: angelic, blameless, childlike, clear, correct, dovelike, faultless, flawless, good, guiltless, honest, honorable, immaculate, impeccable, in the clear, incorrupted, incorruptible, innocent, lamblike, moral, not guilty … Moby Thesaurus
incorrupt — adj. not corrupt, morally pure, honest; impossible to corrupt; perfect; pure, innocent … English contemporary dictionary