- aplacental
- [͵æpləʹsent(ə)l] a биол.
не имеющий плаценты, без плаценты
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
aplacental — APLACENTÁL, Ă adj. lipsit de placentă. (< engl. aplacental) Trimis de raduborza, 15.09.2007. Sursa: MDN … Dicționar Român
Aplacental — Ap la*cen tal, a. [Pref. a + placental.] Belonging to the Aplacentata; without placenta. [1913 Webster] || … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
aplacental — [ā΄plə sent′ l] adj. having no true placenta, as any marsupial … English World dictionary
aplacental — adjective having no placenta monotremes and marsupials are aplacental mammals • Ant: ↑placental … Useful english dictionary
aplacental — viviparous reproduction in which embryos are not connected to their mother s blood supply by a placenta, as is the case in some sharks … Dictionary of ichthyology
aplacental — /ay pleuh sen tl, ap leuh /, adj. Zool. having or forming no placenta, as the marsupials and monotremes. [1855 60; A 6 + PLACENTAL] * * * … Universalium
aplacental — Without a placenta; denoting the monotremes (which lay eggs and have no placenta) and the marsupials (which have a transitory simple yolk sac placenta). * * * apla·cen·tal .ā plə sent əl adj having or developing no placenta * * * apla·cen·tal (a… … Medical dictionary
aplacental — adj. lacking a placenta (Embryology) … English contemporary dictionary
aplacental — apla·cen·tal … English syllables
aplacental — /eɪpləˈsɛntl/ (say aypluh sentl) adjective not placental; having no placenta …
aplacental viviparity — also called ovoviviparity (production of eggs that are fertilised and hatch inside the mother but the embryos lack a placental connection to the oviduct or uterus and so do not feed off the mother. The young are born as miniature adults, free… … Dictionary of ichthyology