
[ınʹsestʃʋəs] a
1. кровосмесительный
2. виновный в кровосмешении

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "incestuous" в других словарях:

  • incestuous — (adj.) 1530s, from L. incestuosus incestuous, from incestus unchaste (see INCEST (Cf. incest)). Figurative use is from 1744. Related: Incestuously; incestuousness …   Etymology dictionary

  • incestuous — [in ses′tyo͞o əs, in ses′cho͞oəs] adj. [LL incestuosus] 1. guilty of incest 2. of, or having the nature of, incest 3. designating or characterized by a relationship of exceptional closeness or interrelation, often one regarded as unproductive,… …   English World dictionary

  • incestuous — ► ADJECTIVE 1) involving or guilty of incest. 2) (of a relationship or community) excessively close and resistant to outside influence. DERIVATIVES incestuously adverb …   English terms dictionary

  • incestuous — [[t]ɪnse̱stʃuəs[/t]] 1) ADJ An incestuous relationship is one involving sexual intercourse between two members of the same family, for example a father and daughter, or a brother and sister. They accused her of an incestuous relationship with her …   English dictionary

  • incestuous — adjective 1 an incestuous relationship is a sexual relationship between people who are closely related in a family 2 an incestuous relationship is one in which a small group of people or organizations only help each other, in a way that is unfair …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • incestuous — in|ces|tu|ous [ınˈsestʃuəs] adj 1.) involving sexual activity between people who are closely related in a family ▪ an incestuous relationship 2.) involving a small group of people who only spend time with or help each other, not people outside… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • incestuous — in|ces|tu|ous [ ın sestʃuəs ] adjective 1. ) involving incest: an incestuous relationship 2. ) not good because of always involving the same group of people: the incestuous world of the television talk show ╾ in|ces|tu|ous|ly adverb …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • incestuous — UK [ɪnˈsestjuəs] / US [ɪnˈsestʃuəs] adjective 1) involving incest an incestuous relationship 2) not good because of always involving the same group of people the incestuous world of the television chat show Derived word: incestuously adverb …   English dictionary

  • incestuous — adjective Date: 1532 1. constituting or involving incest 2. guilty of incest 3. excessively or improperly intimate or exclusive < mainstream fashion magazines have an incestuous relationship with advertisers Guy Trebay > • incestuously adverb •… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • incestuous — incestuously, adv. incestuousness, n. /in ses chooh euhs/, adj. 1. involving incest. 2. guilty of incest. 3. being so close or intimate as to prevent proper functioning: an incestuous relationship between organized crime and government. [1525 35; …   Universalium

  • incestuous — 1. Pertaining to incest. 2. Guilty of incest. * * * in·ces·tu·ous in ses(h) chə wəs adj 1) constituting or involving incest 2) of, relating to, or guilty of incest <infantile incestuous wishes of the Oedipus complex> …   Medical dictionary

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