- inceptive
- [ınʹseptıv] a
1. начальный; начинающийся, зарождающийся
to be inceptive of smth. - быть началом /исходной точкой/ чего-л.
2. лингв. начинательныйinceptive verb - начинательный глагол
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
to be inceptive of smth. - быть началом /исходной точкой/ чего-л.
inceptive verb - начинательный глагол
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Inceptive — In*cep tive, a. Beginning; expressing or indicating beginning; as, an inceptive proposition; an inceptive verb, which expresses the beginning of action; called also {inchoative}. {In*cep tive*ly}, adv. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Inceptive — In*cep tive, n. An inceptive word, phrase, or clause. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
inceptive — [in sep′tiv] adj. [OFr inceptif < LL inceptivus < L inceptus: see INCEPTION] 1. beginning; introductory; initial 2. Gram. expressing the beginning of an action n. an inceptive verb or form, as in Latin inceptively adv … English World dictionary
inceptive — index causative, elementary, inchoate, incipient, initial, preparatory, prime (original), rudimentary … Law dictionary
inceptive — (adj.) 1650s, from Fr. inceptif (16c.), from L. incept , pp. stem of incipere to begin (see INCEPTION (Cf. inception)) … Etymology dictionary
inceptive — /ɪnˈsɛptɪv/ (say in septiv) adjective 1. Grammar (of a derived verb, or of an aspect in verb inflection) expressing the beginning of the action indicated by the underlying verb. For example: Latin verbs in sco generally have inceptive force, as… …
inceptive — inceptively, adv. /in sep tiv/, adj. 1. beginning; initial. 2. Gram. (of a derived verb, or of an aspect in verb inflection) expressing the beginning of the action indicated by the underlying verb, as Latin verbs in sco, which generally have… … Universalium
inceptive — adjective a) beginning; of or related to inception Few languages have an inceptive aspect. In some that do, it is identical to the inchoative aspect. The inceptive aspect is often translated into English as to start [doing something] . b)… … Wiktionary
inceptive — adjective 1》 relating to or marking the beginning of something; initial. 2》 Grammar (of a verb) expressing the beginning of an action. noun Grammar an inceptive verb … English new terms dictionary
inceptive — in•cep•tive [[t]ɪnˈsɛp tɪv[/t]] adj. 1) beginning; initial 2) gram. (of a verb form or aspect) expressing the beginning of the action indicated by the underlying verb, as Latin calēscō“become or begin to be hot” from caleō“be hot.” 3) gram. the… … From formal English to slang
inceptive — adj. & n. adj. 1 a beginning. b initial. 2 Gram. (of a verb) that denotes the beginning of an action. n. an inceptive verb. Etymology: LL inceptivus (as INCEPT) … Useful english dictionary