- inasmuch as
- [͵ınəzʹmʌtʃəz] phr cj
1. в той мере, в какой2. поскольку; ввиду того, что; так как
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
inasmuch as — is a rather formal and awkward expression meaning ‘to the extent that, in so far as’ or more simply ‘in view of the fact that, since’. The preferred style is two words (as here) rather than four, since this underlines the unity of the expression … Modern English usage
Inasmuch — In as*much , adv. [In + as + much.] In like degree; in like manner; seeing that; considering that; since; followed by as. See {In as much as}, under {In}, prep. [1913 Webster] Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
inasmuch — ► ADVERB (inasmuch as) 1) to the extent that. 2) considering that; since … English terms dictionary
inasmuch — contraction of in as much, first attested c.1300 as in als mikel, a Northern form. First contracted to in asmuch, then, beginning 14c. and especially since 17c., to one word … Etymology dictionary
inasmuch as — since, *because, for, as … New Dictionary of Synonyms
inasmuch as — [in΄əz much′ az΄] adv., conj. 1. seeing that; since; because 2. to the extent that … English World dictionary
inasmuch as — {conj.} 1. See: INSOFAR AS. 2. also[for as much as] {formal} Because; for the reason that; since. * /Inasmuch as this is your team, you have the right to choose your own captain./ * /Inasmuch as the waves are high, I shall not go out in the… … Dictionary of American idioms
inasmuch as — {conj.} 1. See: INSOFAR AS. 2. also[for as much as] {formal} Because; for the reason that; since. * /Inasmuch as this is your team, you have the right to choose your own captain./ * /Inasmuch as the waves are high, I shall not go out in the… … Dictionary of American idioms
inasmuch as — conjunction a) because of the fact that; since Inasmuch as I already know you, I shall call you Jim, not James. b) to the extent that; insofar as You will improve, only inasmuch as you practice … Wiktionary
inasmuch as — in|as|much as [ ,ınəz mʌtʃ æz ] conjunction FORMAL 1. ) used for adding a comment that explains or makes clearer what you have just said: IN THAT: This made my work easier, inasmuch as it was not necessary for me to make further inquiries. 2. )… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
inasmuch\ as — conj 1. See: insofar as 2. • for as much as formal Because; for the reason that; since. Inasmuch as this is your team, you have the right to choose your own captain. Inasmuch as the waves are high, I shall not go out in the boat … Словарь американских идиом