- inapprehensive
- [͵ınæprıʹhensıv] a
1) непонятливый, недогадливый, несообразительный2) не подозревающий об опасности, беде и т. п., беспечный
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Inapprehensive — In*ap pre*hen sive, a. Not apprehensive; regardless; unconcerned. Jer. Taylor. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
inapprehensive — [in ap΄rē hen′siv] adj. 1. lacking the ability to apprehend, or understand 2. not perceiving danger, trouble, etc. inapprehensively adv … English World dictionary
inapprehensive — /ˌɪnæprəˈhɛnsɪv/ (say .inapruh hensiv) adjective 1. Rare without apprehension of understanding. –phrase 2. inapprehensive of, not apprehensive of; untroubled by …
inapprehensive — inapprehensively, adv. inapprehensiveness, n. /in ap ri hen siv/, adj. 1. not apprehensive (often fol. by of). 2. without apprehension. [1645 55; IN 3 + APPREHENSIVE] * * * … Universalium
inapprehensive — in•ap•pre•hen•sive [[t]ˌɪn æp rɪˈhɛn sɪv[/t]] adj. 1) not apprehensive (often fol. by of) 2) without apprehension • Etymology: 1645–55 in ap•pre•hen′sive•ly, adv. in ap•pre•hen′sive•ness, n … From formal English to slang
inapprehensive — inapprehensively, adv. inapprehensiveness, n. /in ap ri hen siv/, adj. 1. not apprehensive (often fol. by of). 2. without apprehension. [1645 55; IN 3 + APPREHENSIVE] … Useful english dictionary
fearful — [adj1] alarmed, apprehensive aflutter, afraid, aghast, agitated, anxious, chicken, chickenhearted*, diffident, discomposed, disquieted, disturbed, fainthearted, frightened, goosebumpy*, have cold feet*, hesitant, in a dither*, intimidated,… … New thesaurus