- aphasia
- [əʹfeıʒə] n мед.
афазия, потеря речи (полная или частичная)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
aphasia — (n.) loss of ability to speak, especially as result of brain injury or disorder, 1867, from Mod.L. aphasia, from Gk. aphasia speechlessness, from a without (see A (Cf. a ) (3)) + phasis utterance, from phanai to speak, related to pheme voice,… … Etymology dictionary
Aphasia — est un musicien de musique électronique français. Biographie Après des débuts noise rock en tant que guitariste chanteur, Aphasia, acquiert sa première boîte à rythmes en 1993, sous l influence de groupes tels que Ministry et NIN. Parallèlement,… … Wikipédia en Français
Aphasia — A*pha si*a, Aphasy Aph a*sy, n. [NL. aphasia, Gr. ?, fr. ? not spoken; a priv. + ? to speak: cf. F. aphasie.] (Med.) Loss of the power of speech, or of the appropriate use of words, the vocal organs remaining intact, and the intelligence being… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
aphasia — [ə fā′zhə, ə fā′zhē ə, ə fā′zē ə] n. [ModL < Gr < aphatos, unuttered < a , not + phatos < phanai, to say: see PHONO ] total or partial loss of the power to use or understand words, usually caused by brain disease or injury aphasic [ə… … English World dictionary
Aphasia — For other uses, see Aphasia (disambiguation). Aphasia Classification and external resources ICD 10 F80.0 F80.2, R … Wikipedia
aphasia — /euh fay zheuh/, n. Pathol. the loss of a previously held ability to speak or understand spoken or written language, due to disease or injury of the brain. [1865 70; < Gk: speechlessness, equiv. to a A 6 + phat(ós) spoken (deriv. of phánai to… … Universalium
aphasia — /afeyzh(iy)a/ Loss of the faculty or power of articulate speech. A condition in which the patient, while retaining intelligence and understanding and with the organs of speech unimpaired, is unable (in motor aphasia ) to utter articulate words,… … Black's law dictionary
aphasia — /afeyzh(iy)a/ Loss of the faculty or power of articulate speech. A condition in which the patient, while retaining intelligence and understanding and with the organs of speech unimpaired, is unable (in motor aphasia ) to utter articulate words,… … Black's law dictionary
Aphasia — Literally aphasia means no speech. Aphasia can apply to a defect in expression or comprehension. * * * Impaired or absent comprehension or production of, or communication by, speech, writing, or signs, due to an acquired lesion of the dominant… … Medical dictionary
aphasia — dysphasia; n. a disorder of language affecting the generation and content of speech and its understanding (it is not a disorder of articulation: see dysarthria). It is caused by damage to the language dominant half of the brain, which is usually… … The new mediacal dictionary
aphasia — noun /əˈfeɪzɪə/ A partial or total loss of language skills due to brain damage. Usually, damage to the left perisylvian region, including Brocas area and Wernikes area, causes aphasia. The Doctor came over in three minutes, and heard the story.… … Wiktionary