Смотреть что такое "implacement" в других словарях:
implacement — im·place·ment … English syllables
implacement — ə̇mˈplāsmənt noun Etymology: modification (influenced by in ) (II) of French emplacement more at emplacement : emplacement * * * imˈplacement var. emplacement … Useful english dictionary
Brockley — infobox UK place country = England region= London official name= Brockley latitude= 51.4529 longitude= 0.0345 os grid reference= TQ365745 london borough= Lewisham post town= LONDON postcode area= SE postcode district= SE4 dial code= 020… … Wikipedia
Juan Uslé — was born in Santander, Spain in 1954. Lives and works between Saro (Cantabria) and New York City. He studied fine art at Escuela Superior de Belles Artes in San Carlos, Valencia from 1973 77.Usle first exhibited in New York in 1989 at the Farideh … Wikipedia
Pilot Knob (Austin, Texas) — Pilot Knob is a hill that is part of an extinct volcano located seven miles south of central Austin, Texas near Austin Bergstrom International Airport and McKinney Falls State Park.IntroductionPilot Knob is one of around 75 late Cretaceous Period … Wikipedia
stirrup fixation — ▪ pathology growth of spongy bone in the wall of the inner ear so that it encroaches on the oval window an opening in the wall of the bony labyrinth of the inner ear (this bony encroachment is called otosclerosis) and prevents movement of… … Universalium