impactive — [im pak′tiv] adj. of or having an impact … English World dictionary
impactive — (ˈ)im|paktiv adjective 1. : having an impact or marked effect the impactive wonder that is in natural things R.L.Cook the impactive scrutiny of strange faces Scott Fitzgerald 2. : resulting from impact impactive shocks G.L.Riddell … Useful english dictionary
impactive — /im pak tiv/, adj. 1. caused by impact: impactive pain. 2. compelling or impressive: He was deeply moved by the impactive force of the performance. [1930 35; IMPACT + IVE] * * * … Universalium
impactive — adjective Of, pertaining to, possessing, or caused by impact. It is necessary to distinguish all forces sharply into two groups: 1, the attractional (gravity, adhesion, cohesion, chemism), and 2, the impactive or momentum forces of masses,… … Wiktionary
impactive — /ɪmˈpæktɪv/ (say im paktiv) adjective having an impact or strong effect: a product impactive on the environment. {impact + ive} …
impactive — adjective see impact I … New Collegiate Dictionary
impactive — im·pac·tive … English syllables
impact — I. verb Etymology: Latin impactus, past participle of impingere to push against more at impinge Date: 1601 transitive verb 1. a. to fix firmly by or as if by packing or wedging b. to press together 2. a. to have a direct effect or impact on … New Collegiate Dictionary
Bill Weisband — William Weisband, Sr. (August 28, 1908 ndash; May 14, 1967) was an American cryptographic code analyst and Soviet NKVD agent (code name LINK ), best known for his role in revealing U.S. decryptions of Soviet diplomatic and intelligence codes to… … Wikipedia
End effector — Other use:in Computer Graphics, an end effector is the position and orientation of the last joint in a chain of joints In robotics, an end effector is the device at the end of a robotic arm, designed to interact with the environment. The exact… … Wikipedia
impactful — adjective Having impact. It is strongly recommended that in the future such investigations not be reported in the literature unless they are designed to test the effects of some hopefully impactful treatment variation. Syn: effectual, impactive … Wiktionary