- immunosuppressive
- [͵ımjʋnəʋsəʹpresıv] a мед.
иммунодепрессивный, подавляющий иммунитет
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
immunosuppressive — 1. Denoting or inducing immunosuppression. 2. SYN: immunosuppressant. * * * im·mu·no·sup·pres·sive .im yə nō sə pres iv, im .yü nō adj causing or characterized by immunosuppression <immunosuppressive drugs> immunosuppressive n… … Medical dictionary
immunosuppressive — /im yeuh noh seuh pres iv, i myooh /, Pharm. adj. 1. capable of causing immunosuppression: immunosuppressive drugs. n. 2. Pharm. Also, immunosuppressor /im yeuh noh seuh pres euhr, i myooh /. any substance that results in or effects… … Universalium
immunosuppressive — adj. & n. adj. partially or completely suppressing the immune response of an individual. n. an immunosuppressive drug … Useful english dictionary
Immunosuppressive agents — are a class of drugs which act to suppress the normal activity of the immune system. They are frequently used to prevent rejection of organs after organ transplant and also in the treatment of autoimmune disorders. Examples include azathioprine,… … Wikipedia
Immunosuppressive drug — For a list of immunosuppressive drugs, see the transplant rejection page .Immunosuppressive drugs, immunosuppressive agents, or immunosuppressants are drugs that inhibit or prevent activity of the immune system. They are used in immunosuppressive … Wikipedia
Immunosuppressive agent — A medication that slows or halts immune system activity. Immunosuppressive agents may be given to prevent the body from mounting an immune response after an organ transplant or for treating a disease that is caused by an over active immune system … Medical dictionary
immunosuppressive drug — noun a drug that lowers the body s normal immune response • Syn: ↑immunosuppressant, ↑immunosuppressor, ↑immunosuppressive, ↑immune suppressant drug • Hypernyms: ↑medicine, ↑medication, ↑medicament, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
immunosuppressive — adjective see immunosuppression … New Collegiate Dictionary
immunosuppressive — 1. adjective Having the capability to suppress the immune system, capable of immunosuppression. 2. noun An agent which is capable of immunosuppression. Syn: immunosuppressor … Wiktionary
immunosuppressive — adj. tending to suppress the immune system s natural responses (Pharmacology) … English contemporary dictionary
immunosuppressive — im·mu·no·suppressive … English syllables