
[ıʹmi:dıət] a
1. 1) непосредственный, прямой

immediate contact - непосредственный /прямой/ контакт

the immediate result of smth. - непосредственный результат чего-л.

immediate contagion - контактное заражение

immediate evidence - прямое доказательство /-ые улики/

immediate heir - прямой наследник

immediate interference - прямое вмешательство

immediate cause - непосредственная причина

immediate reserve - воен. а) ближайший резерв; б) расходуемый запас

2) ближайший

immediate family - родители и их дети, малая /нуклеарная/ семья

the immediate future - ближайшее будущее

in the immediate neighbourhood /vicinity/ - поблизости, рядом

immediate aim - ближайшая цель

immediate tasks - очередные задачи

3) полученный из первых рук

immediate information - сведения из первых рук

2. немедленный, безотлагательный

immediate answer /reply/ - безотлагательный ответ

to provide the immediate relief - предоставить неотложную помощь

immediate needs - неотложные потребности

to take immediate action - срочно принять меры, действовать незамедлительно /безотлагательно/

immediate compensation - единовременная компенсация /выплата/

immediate halt - спец. экстренное торможение

3. вчт. быстродействующий

immediate access memory - быстродействующее запоминающее устройство

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Смотреть что такое "immediate" в других словарях:

  • immediate — I (at once) adjective flash, instant, instantaneous, praesens, prompt, quick, speedy, sudden, unhesitating, with reasonable dispatch, without delay II (imminent) adjective about to happen, anticipated, approaching, at hand, close, close a …   Law dictionary

  • Immediate — Im*me di*ate, a. [F. imm[ e]diat. See {In } not, and {Mediate}.] 1. Not separated in respect to place by anything intervening; proximate; close; as, immediate contact. [1913 Webster] You are the most immediate to our throne. Shak. [1913 Webster]… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • immediate — [i mē′dē it] adj. [LL immediatus: see IN 2 & MEDIATE] 1. having nothing coming between; with no intermediary; specif., a) not separated in space; in direct contact; closest; nearest b) close by; near [immediate neighbors] c …   English World dictionary

  • immediate — [adj1] instantaneous; without delay actual, at once, at present time, at this moment, critical, current, existing, extant, first, hairtrigger*, instant, live, next, now, on hand*, paramount, present, pressing, prompt, up todate*, urgent; concepts …   New thesaurus

  • immediate — ► ADJECTIVE 1) occurring or done at once. 2) nearest in time, space, or relationship. 3) most urgent; current. 4) without an intervening medium or agency; direct: a coronary was the immediate cause of death. DERIVATIVES immediacy noun. ORIGIN …   English terms dictionary

  • immediate — (adj.) late 14c., intervening, interposed; early 15c., with nothing interposed; direct, also with reference to time, from O.Fr. immediat, from L.L. immediatus without anything between, from assimilated form of in not, opposite of (see IN (Cf. in… …   Etymology dictionary

  • immediate — *direct Analogous words: *nearest, next: intuitive, instinctive Antonyms: mediate (knowledge, relation, operation): distant (relatives) …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • immediate — im|me|di|ate [ ı midiət ] adjective *** 1. ) happening or done now, without any delay: Our government must take immediate action. Restrictions on advertising had an immediate impact on rates of teenage smoking. The rebels demanded the immediate… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • immediate */*/*/ — UK [ɪˈmiːdɪət] / US [ɪˈmɪdɪət] adjective 1) happening or done now, without any delay Our government must take immediate action. The rebels demanded the immediate release of the prisoners. Restrictions on advertising had an immediate impact on… …   English dictionary

  • immediate — [[t]ɪmi͟ːdiət[/t]] ♦♦♦ 1) ADJ: usu ADJ n An immediate result, action, or reaction happens or is done without any delay. These tragic incidents have had an immediate effect... My immediate reaction was just disgust. Syn: instant 2) ADJ GRADED: usu …   English dictionary

  • immediate — adjective Etymology: Middle English immediat, from Anglo French, from Late Latin immediatus, from Latin in + Late Latin mediatus intermediate more at mediate Date: 15th century 1. a. acting or being without the intervention of another object,… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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