- immaterialism
- [͵ıməʹtı(ə)rıəlız(ə)m] n
1. филос. имматериализм2. = immateriality
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Immaterialism — Im ma*te ri*al*ism, n. [Cf. F. immat[ e]rialisme.] 1. The doctrine that immaterial substances or spiritual being exist, or are possible. [1913 Webster] 2. (Philos.) The doctrine that external bodies may be reduced to mind and ideas in a mind; any … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
immaterialism — [im΄ə tir′ē al′iz΄əm] n. the theory or doctrine that material things exist only as mental perceptions or ideas immaterialist n … English World dictionary
Immaterialism — Immaterial redirects here. For the song by Haircut 100, see Paint and Paint. Immaterialism is the theory propounded by Bishop Berkeley in the 18th century which holds that there are no material objects, only minds and ideas in those minds,… … Wikipedia
immaterialism — noun Date: 1713 a philosophical theory that material things have no reality except as mental perceptions • immaterialist noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
immaterialism — immaterialist, n. /im euh tear ee euh liz euhm/, n. 1. the doctrine that there is no material world, but that all things exist only in and for minds. 2. the doctrine that only immaterial substances or spiritual beings exist. [1705 15; IMMATERIAL… … Universalium
immaterialism — noun The metaphysical denial of the existence of the material world … Wiktionary
immaterialism — The denial of materialism … Philosophy dictionary
immaterialism — the doctrine that there is no material substance Philosophical Isms … Phrontistery dictionary
Immaterialism — a philosophy that holds that there are no material objects, but rather all reality is a construct of a flawed perception … Mini philosophy glossary
immaterialism — noun the belief that matter has no objective existence. Derivatives immaterialist noun … English new terms dictionary
immaterialism — im·materialism … English syllables