- immalleable
- [ıʹmælıəb(ə)l] a редк.
1) не поддающийся ковке2) неподатливый
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Immalleable — Im*mal le*a*ble, a. Not maleable. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
immalleable — im·malleable … English syllables
immalleable — (ˈ)i(m), ə+ adjective Etymology: in (I) + malleable : lacking malleability : unyielding, rigid … Useful english dictionary
Social choice theory — is a theoretical framework for measuring individual interests, values, or welfares as an aggregate towards collective decision. A non theoretical example of a collective decision is passing a set of laws under a constitution. Social choice theory … Wikipedia
inflexible — [adj1] stubborn adamant, adamantine, determined, dogged, dyed in the wool*, firm, fixed, hard, hard and fast*, immovable, immutable, implacable, indomitable, inexorable, intractable, iron, obdurate, obstinate, relentless, resolute, rigid,… … New thesaurus
stiff — [adj1] hard, inflexible annealed, arthritic, benumbed, brittle, buckram, cemented, chilled, congealed, contracted, creaky, firm, fixed, frozen, graceless, hardened, immalleable, impliable, incompliant, indurate, inelastic, jelled, mechanical,… … New thesaurus
unyielding — [adj] steadfast, resolute adamant, dead set on*, determined, firm, fixed, hard, hard core*, hardheaded, hard line*, hardnosed*, headstrong*, immalleable, immovable, implacable, impliable, inexorable, inflexible, intractable, locked in, merciless … New thesaurus