- illustrated
- 1. [ʹıləstreıtıd] n
иллюстрированная газета, иллюстрированный журнал2. [ʹıləstreıtıd] aиллюстрированный
illustrated magazine - иллюстрированный журнал
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
illustrated magazine - иллюстрированный журнал
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
illustrated — adj. provided with pictures; of a publication; as, an illustrated weekly. Opposite of {unillustrated}. [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Illustrated — Illustrate Il*lus trate, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Illustrated}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Illustrating}.] [L. illustratus, p. p. of illustrare to illustrate, fr. illustris bright. See {Illustrious}.] 1. To make clear, bright, or luminous. [1913 Webster] Here … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
illustrated — /il euh stray tid/, adj. 1. containing pictures, drawings, and other illustrations: an illustrated book. n. 2. Brit. a magazine or newspaper regularly containing many photographs or drawings. [1825 35; ILLUSTRATE + ED2] * * * … Universalium
illustrated — adj. Illustrated is used with these nouns: ↑book, ↑brochure, ↑catalogue, ↑edition, ↑encyclopedia, ↑guide, ↑lecture, ↑magazine, ↑manuscript, ↑talk … Collocations dictionary
illustrated — /ˈɪləstreɪtəd/ (say iluhstraytuhd) adjective 1. bearing illustrations; pictorially decorated. –noun 2. an illustrated magazine …
Illustrated fiction — is a hybrid narrative medium in which images and text work together to tell a story. It can take various forms, including fiction written for adults or children, magazine fiction, comic strips, and picture books.Sillars, Stuart, 1995,… … Wikipedia
Illustrated Musical Encyclopedia — est un album de musique de Ryuichi Sakamoto, publié en 1986 (Yano Publishing Co. Ltd). Liste des morceaux Field Work (Sakamoto/Dolby) Etude (Sakamoto) Paradise lost (Sakamoto/Barakan) M.A.Y in the backyard (Sakamoto) Steppin into Asia… … Wikipédia en Français
Illustrated Man (Group) — Illustrated Man (circa 1984) were a funk rock band featuring Hugo Burnham (ex Gang of Four), Roger Mason (keyboards), Rob Dean (ex Japan guitarist) and Australian singer/bassist Philip Foxman.They had hits with songs such as ‘Head over Heels’… … Wikipedia
Illustrated musical encyclopedia — est un album de musique de Ryuichi Sakamoto, publié en 1986 (Yano Publishing Co. Ltd). Liste des morceaux No Titre Auteur(s) … Wikipédia en Français
Illustrated London News — (spr. illöstrēted lönnd n njūs, »Illustrierte Londoner Nachrichten«), die älteste illustrierte Wochenschrift, die 1842 von dem Drucker Herbert Ingram begründet wurde und der Leipziger »Illustrierten Zeitung« (s. d.) und der Pariser »Illustration« … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Illustrated London News — Première page du numéro 1 L Illustrated London News était un magazine fondé par Herbert Ingram et son ami Mark Lemon, éditeur du magazine Punch. Avec Lemon comme rédacteur en chef, la première édition de l Illustrated London News paraît le 14 mai … Wikipédia en Français