- illusionism
- [ıʹlu:ʒ(ə)nız(ə)m] n филос.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
illusionism — [i lo͞o′zhəniz΄əm] n. the use of illusions in art illusionistic adj … English World dictionary
illusionism — A term introduced in or shortly before 1895 by the Austrian art historian Franz Wickhoff (18531909), a member of the Vienna School of Art History, to denote the use of pictorial techniques such as perspective and foreshortening with the aim of … Dictionary of Hallucinations
Illusionism (art) — Illusionism is the artistic tradition in which artists create a work of art that appears to share the physical space with the viewer. Illusionism, Grove Art Online . Oxford University Press, [accessed 17 March, 2008] .] It encompasses a long… … Wikipedia
illusionism — noun Date: 1911 the use of artistic techniques (as perspective or shading) to create the illusion of reality especially in a work of art … New Collegiate Dictionary
illusionism — illusionistic, adj. /i looh zheuh niz euhm/, n. 1. a technique of using pictorial methods in order to deceive the eye. Cf. trompe l oeil. 2. Philos. a theory or doctrine that the material world is an illusion. [1835 45; ILLUSION + ISM] * * * … Universalium
illusionism — noun a) The performance of magical tricks. b) The theory of dealing with illusions … Wiktionary
illusionism — belief that the external world is philosophy Philosophical Isms … Phrontistery dictionary
illusionism — il lu·sion·ism || ɪ luËÊ’É™nɪzm n. belief that the physical world is a product of the imagination (Philosophy); artistic technique which uses illusionary effects (Art) … English contemporary dictionary
Illusionism — a philosophy that holds that there is no material world but rather a collection of illusions formed by human consciousness that results in an environment for all humans to live in … Mini philosophy glossary
illusionism — noun the use of perspective in art to give an appearance of three dimensionality. Derivatives illusionistic adjective … English new terms dictionary
illusionism — il·lu·sion·ism … English syllables