- illuminati
- [ı͵l(j)u:mıʹnɑ:tı] n pl ит.
1. иллюминаты (члены тайных религиозно-политических обществ в Европе, гл. обр. в Баварии во второй половине XVIII в.)2. книжн. часто ирон. эрудиты, интеллектуалы
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Illuminati — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Illuminati es el nombre por el que se conoce mayormente la Orden de los Perfectibilistas o Iluminados de Baviera. La pirámide truncada con el ojo que todo lo ve y el lema Novus Ordo Seclorum, del Gran Sello de los… … Wikipedia Español
Illuminati — • Secret society founded in 1776 • False Spanish mystics Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Illuminati ♦ Illuminati … Catholic encyclopedia
Illuminati — (lat. für: die Erleuchteten) bezeichnet die Mitglieder folgender Gruppierungen: Illuminatenorden, eine 1776 bis 1785 bestehende, von Adam Weishaupt in Ingolstadt gegründete Geheimgesellschaft Alumbrados, eine mystische Bewegung in Spanien Brüder… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Illuminati — Il*lu mi*na ti, n. pl. [L. illuminatus. See {Illuminate}, v. t., and cf. {Illuminee}.] Literally, those who are enlightened; variously applied as follows: [1913 Webster] 1. (Eccl.) Persons in the early church who had received baptism; in which… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
illuminati — (n.) 1590s, plural of L. illuminatus enlightened (in figurative sense), pp. of illuminare (see ILLUMINATION (Cf. illumination)). Originally applied to a 16c. Spanish sect (the Alumbrados), then to other sects; since 1797 used as a translation of… … Etymology dictionary
Illuminati — (illuminato) n. religious group or sect that claims to know the path to enlightenmentn. religious group or sect that claims to know the path to enlightenment … English contemporary dictionary
illuminati — [i lo͞o΄mə nā′tī΄, i lo͞o΄mənä′tē] pl.n. [It (or ModL) < L, pl. of illuminatus: see ILLUMINATE sing.] 1. illuminato [i lo͞o΄mə nä′tō΄, i lo͞o΄mənä′tō΄] people who have or profess to have special intellectual or spiritual enlightenment 2. [I ]… … English World dictionary
Illuminati — Adam Weishaupt, founder This article is about the group. For the film, see Illuminata (film). For other uses, see Illuminati (disambiguation) … Wikipedia
Illuminati — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Le terme « Illuminati », signifiant littéralement « les Illuminés » (du latin illuminare : illuminer, connaître, savoir) désigne… … Wikipédia en Français
ILLUMINATI — I. ILLUMINATI apud Scriptores Eccel. pro Baptizatis, eo quod in Baptismi ritibus erlam is esset, ut, post indutam vestem candidam, sanctitatis ac innocentiae testem. cereus accenderetur, in signum fidei gratiae que acceptae. Vide Greg. Turon.… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
illuminati — n.pl. 1 persons claiming to possess special knowledge or enlightenment. 2 (Illuminati) hist. any of various intellectual movements or societies of illuminati. Derivatives: illuminism n. illuminist n. Etymology: pl. of L illuminatus or It.… … Useful english dictionary