
[ıʹlıb(ə)rəl] a
1. арх.
1) не имеющий гуманитарного образования
2) некультурный; необразованный; плохо воспитанный
2. 1) ограниченный, недалёкий, лишённый кругозора
2) нетерпимый (к чужому мнению и т. п.); предубеждённый
3. арх. скупой, жадный

he is an illiberal giver - он скряга

4. не требующий гуманитарного образования

illiberal occupations - занятия, не требующие гуманитарного образования

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "illiberal" в других словарях:

  • illiberal — adj Illiberal, narrow minded, narrow, intolerant, bigoted, hidebound mean so lacking in breadth of mind or experience as to be unwilling or unable to understand the point of view of others. Illiberal implies a lack of freedom of spirit, mind, or… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • illibéral — ⇒ILLIBÉRAL, ALE, AUX, adj. et subst. Rare, vieilli. Anton. libéral. A. Qui n est pas généreux. Il [Mazarin] savait être illibéral en promettant et quelquefois même en donnant (SAINTE BEUVE, Caus. lundi, t. 2, 1851 62, p. 256). B. (Personne) qui… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • illibéral — illibéral, ale (il li bé ral, ra l ) adj. 1°   Qui n est pas libéral, qui ne donne pas. Homme illibéral. 2°   Qui est restrictif de la liberté, qui manque de libéralisme. Mesures illibérales. Des sentiments illibéraux. 3°   Qui appartient aux… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • Illiberal — Il*lib er*al, a. [L. illiberalis; pref. il not + liberalis liberal: cf. F. illib[ e]ral.] 1. Not liberal; not free or generous; close; niggardly; mean; sordid. A thrifty and illiberal hand. Mason. [1913 Webster] 2. Indicating a lack of breeding,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • illiberal — (adj.) 1530s, ungentlemanly, base, mean, from M.Fr. illiberal (14c.), from L. illiberalis ungenerous, mean, sordid; unworthy of a freeman, from assimilated form of in not, opposite of (see IN (Cf. in ) (1)) + liberalis (see LIBERAL (Cf. liberal)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • illiberal — [i lib′ər əl] adj. [Fr illibéral < L illiberalis: see IN 2 & LIBERAL] 1. Archaic lacking a liberal education; without culture; unrefined 2. intolerant; bigoted; narrow minded 3. not generous; stingy illiberalism [i lib′ər əliz΄əm] …   English World dictionary

  • Illibĕral — (v. lat.), 1) nicht freigebig; 2) unedel niedrig gesinnt; 3) (jetzt gewöhnlich in politischer Beziehung) nicht freisinnig; daher Illiberalismus, so v.w. Antiliberalismus …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Illiberāl — (lat.), Gegensatz von liberal (s. d.) …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Illiberal — Illiberāl (lat.), Gegensatz zu Liberal (s.d.) …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

  • Illiberal — Illiberal, lat. deutsch. nicht freigebig; nicht freisinnig; I.ismus das Gegentheil von Liberalismus …   Herders Conversations-Lexikon

  • illiberal — I adjective avaricious, avarus, biased, bigoted, churlish, close, close fisted, conservative, covetous, dogmatic, fanatical, grasping, greedy, grudging, hidebound, inhospitable, inliberalis, intolerant, mean, mercenary, miserly, narrow, narrow… …   Law dictionary

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