- illfavored
1> некрасивый, уродливый
2> неприятный, отвратительный
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
ill-favoured — BrE, illfavored AmE adjective literary or old fashioned having an unattractive face; ugly … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
preferred — [adj] favorite, chosen adopted, approved, culled, decided upon, elected, endorsed, fancied, favored, handpicked, liked, named, picked, popular, sanctioned, selected, set apart, settled upon, singled out, taken, well liked; concepts 555,574 Ant.… … New thesaurus
ugly — [adj1] unattractive animal, appalling, awful, bad looking, beastly, deformed, disfigured, foul, frightful, grisly, gross, grotesque, hard featured, hideous, homely, horrid, illfavored, loathsome, misshapen, monstrous, not much to look at*, plain … New thesaurus
unwelcome — [adj] not wanted, desired blackballed*, disagreeable, displeasing, distasteful, exceptionable, excess baggage*, excluded, illfavored, inadmissible, left out in cold*, lousy, not in the picture*, objectionable, obnoxious, rejected, repellent, shut … New thesaurus