
1> неблагоразумный, неразумный; опрометчивый; противоречащий
здравому смыслу
ill-advised decision неразумное решение
ill-advised act необдуманный шаг
ill-advised person неблагоразумный человек, сумасброд

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "illadvised" в других словарях:

  • The Ragged Edge of Science — Infobox Book | name = The Ragged Edge of Science title orig = translator = image caption = Dust jacket for The Ragged Edge of Science author = L. Sprague de Camp illustrator = Don Simpson cover artist = Don Simpson country = United States… …   Wikipedia

  • Alice de Janzé — Alice de Janzé, née Silverthorne (28 September 1899 ndash; 30 September 1941), [ Her birth and death date according to (free registration required)] also known as Alice de Trafford, was an American… …   Wikipedia

  • Clan Lindsay — Crest badge …   Wikipedia

  • List of characters from How I Met Your Mother — The following is a partial list of characters from the television series How I Met Your Mother :Main charactersTed Evelyn MosbyPlayed by Josh Radnor. The central character of the show, Ted is a Wesleyan University graduate and an architect who,… …   Wikipedia

  • David Lindsay, 3rd Earl of Crawford — (died 17 January 1446)[1] was a regent to James II of Scotland. He was a member of Clan Lindsay, a Scottish Lowland clan. At the Battle of Arbroath in 1445 the Clan Lindsay, led by the Master of Crawford, advanced with over 1000 men. Their enemy… …   Wikipedia

  • Battle of Maldon, The — (ca. 1000)    The Battle of Maldon is an OLD ENGLISH poem in ALLITERATIVE VERSE, composed shortly after the 991 battle between local English forces and Viking invaders. The anonymous poet wrote in the style of traditional heroic poetry about a… …   Encyclopedia of medieval literature

  • Wulfstan — (ca. 960–1023)    Wulfstan was an important scholar, statesman, and prelate of the early 11th century. A Benedictine monk, he was the product of the great Benedictine Revival of learning that had been promulgated by St. Dunstan, St. Athelstan,… …   Encyclopedia of medieval literature

  • Fischer, Heinz — (1938–)    Growing up in Graz in a family of loyal followers of the Socialist Party of Austria, Fischer became president of the Second Austrian Republic in 2004. He was first elected to the Austrian National Assembly (Nationalrat) in 1971; from… …   Historical dictionary of Austria

  • hasty — [adj] speedy; without much thought abrupt, agile, brash, breakneck*, brief, brisk, careless, chop chop*, cursory, eager, expeditious, fast, fiery, fleet, fleeting, foolhardy, harefooted*, headlong, heedless, hurried, illadvised, impatient,… …   New thesaurus

  • impolitic — [adj] unwise, careless brash, illadvised, ill judged, imprudent, inadvisable, inconsiderate, indiscreet, inexpedient, injudicious, maladroit, misguided, rash, stupid, tactless, undiplomatic, untimely; concepts 401,544 Ant. careful, cautious,… …   New thesaurus

  • imprudent — [adj] without much thought brash, careless, foolhardy, foolish, heedless, illadvised, ill considered, ill judged, impolitic, improvident, incautious, inconsiderate, indiscreet, inexpedient, injudicious, irresponsible, leaving self wide open*, off …   New thesaurus

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