- idly
- [ʹaıdlı] adv
1. лениво; праздно
to stand idly by - стоять без дела
2. тщетно, напрасно
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
to stand idly by - стоять без дела
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Idly — I dly, adv. In a idle manner; ineffectually; vainly; lazily; carelessly; (Obs.) foolishly. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
idly — (adv.) O.E. idellice; see IDLE (Cf. idle) + LY (Cf. ly) (2) … Etymology dictionary
idly — i|dly [ aıdli ] adverb 1. ) without any real purpose or reason: She sat in the waiting room, flicking idly through a magazine. 2. ) without doing anything: I lay idly on the rocks. stand/sit idly by to see something bad happening without trying… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
idly — UK [ˈaɪdlɪ] / US adverb 1) without any real purpose or reason She sat in the waiting room, flicking idly through a magazine. 2) without doing anything I lay idly on the rocks. • stand/sit idly by to see something bad happening without trying to… … English dictionary
idly — adverb a) In an idle manner. I idly played with the paper, not even realizing I was folding it into a paper airplane. b) Without specific purpose, intent or effort … Wiktionary
idly — adv. Idly is used with these verbs: ↑flick, ↑listen, ↑pick, ↑stand, ↑stroke, ↑watch, ↑wonder … Collocations dictionary
idly — idle ► ADJECTIVE (idler, idlest) 1) avoiding work; lazy. 2) not working or in use. 3) having no purpose or basis: idle threats. ► VERB 1) spend time doing nothing. 2) (of an engine) run slowly w … English terms dictionary
idly — adverb in an idle manner (Freq. 3) this is what I always imagined myself doing in the south of France, sitting idly, drinking coffee, watching the people • Syn: ↑lazily • Derived from adjective: ↑lazy (for: ↑lazily), ↑ … Useful english dictionary
Idly Walpoth — Idly Walpoth, née le 24 novembre 1920 à Zurich, est une skieuse alpine suisse originaire de Davos. Arlberg Kandahar Vainqueur de la descente 1950 à Mürren Portail des sports d’hiver … Wikipédia en Français
idly — adverb see idle I … New Collegiate Dictionary
idly — See idleness. * * * … Universalium