
[ʹenıweı] adv
1. во всяком случае; как бы то ни было

I'll go anyway, no matter what you say - я всё равно пойду, что бы вы ни говорили

2. как придётся, как попало (часто just anyway)

don't do the job just anyway - эту работу нельзя делать кое-как

he damped the tools in the box just anyway - он как попало побросал инструменты в ящик

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "anyway" в других словарях:

  • Anyway — A ny*way, Anyways A ny*ways, adv. Anywise; at all. Tennyson. Southey. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • anyway — index regardless Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • anyway — (adv.) 1560s, any way in any manner; variant any ways (with adverbial genitive) attested from c.1560. One word form predominated from 1830s. As an adverbial conjunction, from 1859. Middle English in this sense had ani gates in any way, somehow (c …   Etymology dictionary

  • anyway — [adv] by any means anyhow, at all, at any rate, ever, however, in any case, in any event, in any manner, nevertheless, once; concept 544 …   New thesaurus

  • anyway — ► ADVERB 1) used to emphasize something just said. 2) used in conversations to change the subject or to resume after interruption. 3) nevertheless …   English terms dictionary

  • anyway — [ən′ēwā΄] adv. 1. in any manner or way 2. at least; nevertheless; anyhow 3. haphazardly; carelessly: Also Dial. anyways …   English World dictionary

  • anyway — [[t]e̱niweɪ[/t]] ♦♦ (The form anyhow is also used.) 1) ADV: ADV with cl You use anyway or anyhow to indicate that a statement explains or supports a previous point. I m certain David s told you his business troubles. Anyway, it s no secret that… …   English dictionary

  • anyway — an|y|way [ eni,weı ] adverb SPOKEN *** 1. ) despite something else despite something that you have previously mentioned: Even if the drug is banned, a lot of people will go on using it anyway. No one expected house prices to fall, but anyway that …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • anyway */*/*/ — UK [ˈenɪˌweɪ] / US adverb spoken 1) despite something else despite something that you have previously mentioned Even if the drug is banned, a lot of people will go on using it anyway. No one expected house prices to fall, but anyway that s… …   English dictionary

  • anyway — an|y|way W2S1 [ˈeniweı] adv also anyhow [sentence adverb] 1.) in spite of the fact that you have just mentioned ▪ Catherine wasn t sure the book was the right one, but she bought it anyway. ▪ This idea probably won t work, but let s try it anyway …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Anyway — Infobox Album Name = Anyway Type = Album Artist = Family Released = November 1970 Recorded = Fairfields Hall and Olympic Sound Studio, London Genre = Rock / Progressive rock Length = 39:57 Label = Reprise Records (UK), United Artists Records (U.S …   Wikipedia

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