- iconostasis
- [͵aıkəʹnɒstəsıs] n (pl -ses) церк.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Iconostasis — • A great screen or partition running from side to side of the apse or across the entire end of the church, which divides the sanctuary from the body of the church, and is built of solid materials such as stone, metal, or wood, and which reaches… … Catholic encyclopedia
iconostasis — [ī΄kə näs′tə sis] n. pl. iconostases [ī΄kə näs′təsēz΄] [ModGr(Ec) eikonostasis < Gr eikōn, an image + stasis, a standing < histanai, to STAND] Eastern Orthodox Ch. a partition or screen, decorated with icons, separating the sanctuary from… … English World dictionary
Iconostasis — In Eastern Christianity an iconostasis (the plural is iconostases ), also called the templon, is a wall of icons and religious paintings, separating the nave from the sanctuary in a church. Iconostasis also refers to a portable icon stand that… … Wikipedia
iconostasis — /uy keuh nos teuh sis/, n., pl. iconostases / seez /. Eastern Ch. a partition or screen on which icons are placed, separating the sanctuary from the main part of the church. Also, iconostas /uy kon euh stas /. [1825 35; < MGk; see ICONO , STASIS] … Universalium
iconostasis — {{#}}{{LM I41003}}{{〓}} {{[}}iconostasis{{]}} ‹i·co·nos·ta·sis› {{◆}}(pl. iconostasis){{◇}} {{《}}▍ s.m.{{》}} → {{↑}}iconostasio{{↓}} … Diccionario de uso del español actual con sinónimos y antónimos
iconostasis — This word (from the Greek eikōn, meaning likeness or image, and stasis, meaning a standing ) refers to the screen or partition, decorated with icons, that separates the sanctuary from the main part of the church; an iconostasis, a fixture in… … Glossary of theological terms
Iconostasis (Iconstand) — It s called Iconostasis, simply a wooden or a marble stand that holds the sanctified icons. It comprises three doors, the central or Royal Door admitting to the main altar. On the right side of the royal door is put our Lord s Icon, while on the… … Dictionary of church terms
iconostasis — noun (plural iconostases) Etymology: modification of Middle Greek eikonostasion, from Late Greek, shrine, from Greek eikono + stasion (from histanai to stand) more at stand Date: 1833 a screen or partition with doors and tiers of icons that… … New Collegiate Dictionary
iconostasis — noun a wall of icons between the sanctuary and the nave in an Eastern Orthodox church … Wiktionary
iconostasis — ► femenino En las iglesias de rito oriental, biombo de tres hojas que separa la nave del santuario y está adornado con iconos. También iconostasio … Enciclopedia Universal
Iconostasis — Greek for image stand, which can refer to freestanding constructions housing icons (q.v.). One sees these all over the countryside of modern Greece (q.v.), often erected for commemorative purposes (e.g., to mark the site of a former church).… … Historical dictionary of Byzantium