- iconic
- [aıʹkɒnık] a
1. иск.1) портретный2) традиционный, канонический (о скульптурных фигурах и бюстах)2. относящийся к иконам
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
iconic — ICÓNIC, Ă, iconici, ce, adj. Referitor la imagine, care aparţine imaginii. ♦ Care are caracter de reproducere figurativă. ♦ (Despre semne) Asemănător cu realitatea pe care o indică. – Din fr. iconique, engl. iconic. Trimis de gall, 13.09.2007.… … Dicționar Român
iconic — (adj.) 1650s, from L.L. iconicus, from Gk. eikonikos pertaining to an image, from eikon (see ICON (Cf. icon)) … Etymology dictionary
iconic — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ relating to or of the nature of an icon. DERIVATIVES iconically adverb … English terms dictionary
iconic — [ī kän′ik] adj. [LL iconicus < Gr eikonikos < eikōn, an image: see ICON] 1. of, or having the nature of, an icon 2. done in a fixed or conventional style: said of certain statues and busts … English World dictionary
iconic — icon, iconic 1. The original meaning of icon, ‘a devotional painting on wood of Christ or a saint in Byzantine Christian art’, has been all but obscured except in specialist use or as a vague memory by modern uses first in the language of media… … Modern English usage
iconic — [[t]aɪkɒ̱nɪk[/t]] ADJ An iconic image or thing is important or impressive because it seems to be a symbol of something. [FORMAL] Murphy s powerfully spoken Oedipus is an autocrat of iconic grandeur... The ads helped Nike to achieve iconic status … English dictionary
iconic — adj. Iconic is used with these nouns: ↑figure, ↑image … Collocations dictionary
iconic — i|con|ic [ aı kanık ] adjective very famous and well known, and believed to represent a particular idea: His photographs have become iconic images of war … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
iconic — UK [aɪˈkɒnɪk] / US [aɪˈkanɪk] adjective very famous and well known, and believed to represent a particular idea His photographs have become iconic images of war … English dictionary
Iconic memory — is a type of short term visual memory (a sensory memory), named by George Sperling in 1960. Experiments performed by Sperling and colleagues provided evidence for a rapidly decaying sensory trace, lasting only approximately 250 ms after the… … Wikipedia
Iconic Santorini, a boutique cave hotel — (Имеровиглион,Греция) Категория отеля: Адрес: Ημεροβίγλι, И … Каталог отелей