- ichthyology
- [͵ıkθıʹɒlədʒı] n
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Ichthyology — Ich thy*ol o*gy, n. [Gr. ichqy s, y os, a fish + logy: cf. F. ichthyologie.] The natural history of fishes; that branch of zo[ o]logy which relates to fishes, including their structure, classification, and habits. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
ichthyology — (n.) 1640s, Modern Latin, from Gk. ikhthys fish + OLOGY (Cf. ology). Related: Ichthyologist … Etymology dictionary
ichthyology — ► NOUN ▪ the branch of zoology concerned with fishes. DERIVATIVES ichthyological adjective ichthyologist noun. ORIGIN from Greek ikhthus fish … English terms dictionary
ichthyology — [ik΄thē äl′ə jē] n. [ModL ichthyologia: see ICHTHYO & LOGY] the branch of zoology having to do with the study of fish ichthyological [ik΄thēə läj′i kəl] adj. ichthyologic ichthyologist n … English World dictionary
Ichthyology — Part of a series on Zoology … Wikipedia
ichthyology — from the Greek ichthyo fish + logos reason , the study (scientific) of fishes; the natural history of fishes; a treatise on fishes. Usually restricted to the scientific study of and the resulting knowledge about fishes, particularly in the fields … Dictionary of ichthyology
ichthyology — ichthyologic /ik thee euh loj ik/, ichthyological, adj. ichthyologically, adv. ichthyologist, n. /ik thee ol euh jee/, n. the branch of zoology dealing with fishes. [1640 50; ICHTHYO + LOGY] * * * ▪ zoology scientific study of fishes,… … Universalium
Ichthyology terms — Ichthyology uses several terms that are unique to the science.Contents: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z NOTOC A * Abdomen: belly * Abdominal: pertaining to the belly * Actinosts: a series of bones at the base of the pectoral… … Wikipedia
ichthyology — noun Date: 1646 a branch of zoology that deals with fishes • ichthyological adjective • ichthyologically adverb • ichthyologist noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
ichthyology — noun The branch of zoology devoted to the study of fish. See Also: ichthyic, ichthyological, ichthyologist, ichthyosaur … Wiktionary
ichthyology — ich·thy·ol·o·gy (ik″the olґə je) the branch of zoology that specializes in the study of fishes … Medical dictionary