
[ʹæntsı] a сл.
беспокойный, дёрганый

to feel antsy - ≅ места себе не находить

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "antsy" в других словарях:

  • antsy — (adj.) 1838, American English, from plural of ANT (Cf. ant) + Y (Cf. y) (2); probably reflecting the same image as the slang expression have ants in (one s) pants be restless and fidgety from a century later. Related: Antsiness …   Etymology dictionary

  • antsy — [adj] fidgety anxious, edgy, impatient, on pins and needles*, restless; concept 401 …   New thesaurus

  • antsy — ☆ antsy [ant′sē ] adj. antsier, antsiest [< ANT1 + Y2: prob. < phr. have ants in one s pants, be full of nervous energy] Slang fidgety, nervous, impatient, etc …   English World dictionary

  • antsy — adjective Date: 1838 1. restless, fidgety < antsy children >; also impatient, eager < antsy for a new challenge > 2. nervous, apprehensive < antsy investors > …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • antsy — [“aentsi] mod. nervous; restless. (See also have ants in one’s pants.) □ You ook a little antsy. What’s wrong? □ Who is that antsy guy? □ She gets antsy before a test …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

  • antsy — antsiness, n. /ant see/, adj., antsier, antsiest. Informal. 1. unable to sit or stand still; fidgety: The children were bored and antsy. 2. apprehensive, uneasy, or nervous: I m a little antsy since hearing those storm warnings. [1950 55; ANT +… …   Universalium

  • antsy — adj a. nervous, jumpy, agitated ► She s been getting a little antsy lately wants me to leave my wife. (The Secret of my Success, US film, 1987) b. eager for sex Both senses are derived from the older, humorous colloquial expression to have ants… …   Contemporary slang

  • antsy — [[t]æ̱ntsi[/t]] ADJ GRADED: usu v link ADJ If someone is antsy, they are nervous or impatient. [AM, INFORMAL] This is the end of a tour so I m a little antsy, I guess. Syn: tetchy …   English dictionary

  • antsy — UK [ˈæntsɪ] / US adjective Word forms antsy : adjective antsy comparative antsier superlative antsiest mainly American informal nervous and unable to relax …   English dictionary

  • antsy — adjective /ˈæntsi/ restless, apprehensive and fidgety The children were antsy and worried [...]. “Rabbit at Rest”, by John Updike …   Wiktionary

  • Antsy pants — est un groupe de musique anti folk, connu pour avoir participé à la bande originale du film Juno avec la chanson Vampire ainsi qu un duo avec Kimya Dawson de The Moldy Peaches, Tree Hugger. La plupart des membres de Antsy Pants sont français,… …   Wikipédia en Français

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