- iambi
- [aıʹæmbaı] pl от iambus
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Iambi — Iambus I*am bus, n.; pl. L. {Iambi}, E. {Iambuses}. [L. iambus, Gr. ?; prob. akin to ? to throw, assail (the iambus being first used in satiric poetry), and to L. jacere to throw. Cf. {Jet} a shooting forth.] (Pros.) A foot consisting of a short… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
iambi — i am·bus || aɪ æmbÉ™s n. (Poetry) foot consisting of two syllables (the first syllable is long and the second short or the first syllable is stressed and the second unstressed) … English contemporary dictionary
iambic — IÁMBIC, Ă, iambici, ce, adj. Care aparţine iambilor, privitor la iambi; scris în iambi. ♢ Metru iambic = sistem de versificaţie care are la bază iambul. – Din fr. iambique, lat. iambicus. Trimis de gall, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98 iámbic adj. m … Dicționar Român
iamb — IAMB, iambi, s.m. Picior de vers compus din două silabe, dintre care, în prozodia antică, prima este scurtă şi a doua lungă, iar în prozodia modernă, prima este neaccentuată, iar cea de a doua accentuată. – Din fr. iambe, lat. iambus. Trimis de… … Dicționar Român
Iramba language — Iramba Nilamba Spoken in Tanzania Ethnicity Nilamba, Iambi Native speakers 450,000 (2006) Language family … Wikipedia
Scharnhorstgymnasium Hildesheim — Scharnhorstgymnasium Schulform Gymnasium Gründung 1885 Land Niedersachsen Staat … Deutsch Wikipedia
logaedic — LOGAÉDIC, Ă, logaedici, ce, adj. (Despre un sistem de versificaţie) Care este compus din anapeşti şi iambi sau din dactili şi trohei. – Din fr. logaédique. Trimis de LauraGellner, 25.05.2004. Sursa: DEX 98 logaédic adj. m., pl. logaédici; f. sg … Dicționar Român
iamb(us) — n. (pl. bi ) metrical foot of one short followed by one long syllable. ♦ iambic, a. pertaining to or composed of iambi; n. line of iambi. ♦ iambist, n. writer of iambi … Dictionary of difficult words
Solon — (ancient Greek: Polytonic|Σόλων, c. 638 BC ndash;558 BC) was an Athenian statesman, lawmaker, and Lyric poet. He is remembered particularly for his efforts to legislate against political, economic and moral decline in archaic Athens. His reforms… … Wikipedia
Margites — The Margites, a comic mock epic of Ancient Greece, is about an idiot named Margites (from ancient Greek μάργος margos, raving, mad; lustful ) who was so dense he did not know which parent had given birth to him.[1] His name gave rise to the… … Wikipedia
Martin Litchfield West — (born 23 September 1937, London, England) is an internationally recognised scholar in classics, classical antiquity and philology. In 2002, upon his receipt of the Kenyon Medal for Classical Studies from the British Academy, he was called the… … Wikipedia