- hyraces
- [ʹhaırəsi:z] pl от hyrax
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
hyraces — n. small plant eating mammal with a short tail that lives among rocks in desert areas and is found in Africa and Arabia … English contemporary dictionary
hyrax — /huy raks/, n., pl. hyraxes, hyraces / reuh seez /. any of several species of small mammals of the order Hyracoidea, of Africa and the Mediterranean region, having short legs, ears, and tail, and hooflike nails on the toes. Also called dassie,… … Universalium
hyrax — /ˈhaɪræks/ (say huyraks) noun (plural hyraxes or hyraces /ˈhaɪrəsiz/ (say huyruhseez)) any of a number of small, timid mammals of Africa and south western Asia, superficially resembling rodents, but having tiny hoofs and other distinctive… …
hyrax — [hī′raks΄] n. pl. hyraxes or hyraces [hīrə sēz΄] [ModL < Gr, shrew mouse < IE base * swer , to hum, buzz > SWARM1] any of an order (Hyracoidea) of small, rodentlike mammals of Africa and SW Asia that feed on plants and live in rocky… … English World dictionary