- hypokinesia hypokinesis
hypokinesia, hypokinesis
1> _мед. гипокинезия, пониженная мышечная деятельность
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
hypokinesis — [hī΄pō ki nē′zhə, hī΄pō kī nē′zhəhī΄pō ki nē′sis] n. 〚ModL /span> HYPO + Gr kinēsis, motion < kinein, to move: see CITE〛 a condition of abnormally diminished muscular movement: also … Universalium
hypokinesis — [hī΄pō ki nē′zhə, hī΄pō kī nē′zhəhī΄pō ki nē′sis] n. [ModL < HYPO + Gr kinēsis, motion < kinein, to move: see CITE] a condition of abnormally diminished muscular movement: also hypokinesia [hī΄pō ki nē′zhə, hī΄pō kī nē′zhə] hypokinetic… … English World dictionary
hypokinesis — hy·po·ki·ne·sis nē səs n, pl ne·ses .sēz HYPOKINESIA * * * hy·po·ki·ne·sis (hi″po kĭ neґsis) hypokinesia … Medical dictionary
hypokinesia — hypokinetic /huy poh ki net ik, kuy /, adj. /huy poh ki nee zheuh, zhee euh, zee euh, kuy /, n. Pathol. abnormally diminished muscular function or mobility. Also, hypokinesis /huy poh ki nee sis, kuy /. [1885 90; HYPO + KINESIA] * * * … Universalium
hypokinesia — hy·po·ki·ne·sia kə nē zh(ē )ə, kī n abnormally decreased muscular movement (as in spaceflight) compare HYPERKINESIS (1) * * * hy·po·ki·ne·sia (hi″po kĭ neґzhə) [hypo + kinesi + ia] abnormally decreased mobility; abnormally… … Medical dictionary
hypokinesia — /ˌhaɪpoʊkaɪˈniziə/ (say .huypohkuy neezeeuh) noun muscular movement that has decreased abnormally. Also, hypokinesis. {hypo + kines(is) + ia} –hypokinetic, adjective …
hypokinesia — hypokinetic /huy poh ki net ik, kuy /, adj. /huy poh ki nee zheuh, zhee euh, zee euh, kuy /, n. Pathol. abnormally diminished muscular function or mobility. Also, hypokinesis /huy poh ki nee sis, kuy /. [1885 90; HYPO + KINESIA] … Useful english dictionary
hypokinesis, hypokinesia — Diminished or slow movement. SYN: hypocinesis, hypocinesia, hypomotility. [hypo + G. kinesis, movement] … Medical dictionary