hypoid gear

hypoid gear
[ʹhaıpɔıdʹgıə] авт.
гипоидная передача

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "hypoid gear" в других словарях:

  • hypoid gear — [hī′poid΄] n. [contr. < hyperboloidal < HYPERBOL(A) + OID + AL] a curved tooth bevel gear in a system in which the axis of the driving shaft does not intersect with the axis of the driven shaft …   English World dictionary

  • hypoid gear — noun also hypoid ( s) : one of a pair of bevel gears that are used especially in automotive transmissions, are designed so that the axis of the pinion does not intersect the axis of the gear, and have the teeth on the pinion cut spirally and the… …   Useful english dictionary

  • hypoid gear — /huy poyd/ a gear resembling a bevel gear in form but designed to mesh with a similar gear in such a way that their axes would not intersect, one axis crossing over the other at approximately a right angle. [1925 30; HYP(ERBOL)OID] * * * …   Universalium

  • hypoid gear — A type of spiral bevel gear in which the drive pinion shaft is located below the center of the ring gear. This setup is used to lower the height of the driveshaft and thus lower the floor of the vehicle …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • Gear oil — is a motor oil made specifically for transmissions, transfer cases, and differentials in automobiles, trucks, and other machinery. It is of a higher viscosity to better protect the gears and usually is associated with a strong sulfur smell. The… …   Wikipedia

  • Gear — For the gear like device used to drive a roller chain, see Sprocket. This article is about mechanical gears. For other uses, see Gear (disambiguation). Two meshing gears transmitting rotational motion. Note that the smaller gear is rotating… …   Wikipedia

  • Hypoid — A hypoid is a type of spiral bevel gear whose axis does not intersect with the axis of the meshing gear. The shape of a hypoid gear is a revolved hyperboloid, whereas the shape of a spiral bevel gear is normally conical. The hypoid gear places… …   Wikipedia

  • gear — Wheel like part with teeth cut into the rim. When one gear meshes with another gear, it causes the second gear to drive the other and in this way transmits power. When the gears are different sizes (different number of teeth on each gear) the… …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • hypoid — [ hʌɪpɔɪd] (also hypoid gear) noun a bevel wheel with teeth engaging with a spiral pinion mounted at right angles to the wheel s axis, used to connect non intersecting shafts in vehicle transmissions. Origin 1920s: perh. a contr. of hyperboloid …   English new terms dictionary

  • hypoid axle — A driving axle with a hypoid gear …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • gear — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. clothing, dress; cogwheel; equipment, tools, apparatus; harness, etc. See instrumentality, provision. II (Roget s IV) n. 1. [Equipment] Syn. material, tackle, apparatus, paraphernalia; see equipment …   English dictionary for students

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