- hyperkinesia hyperkinesis
hyperkinesia, hyperkinesis
1> _мед. гиперкинез, повышенная мышечная деятельность
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
hyperkinesis — [hī΄pər ki nē′zhəhī΄pərki nē′sis] n. 〚ModL /span> HYPER + Gr kinēsis, motion〛 a condition of abnormally increased muscular movement: also hyperkinesia [hī΄pər ki nē′zhə] hyperkinetic … Universalium
hyperkinesis — [hī΄pər ki nē′zhəhī΄pərki nē′sis] n. [ModL < HYPER + Gr kinēsis, motion] a condition of abnormally increased muscular movement: also hyperkinesia [hī΄pər ki nē′zhə] hyperkinetic [hī΄pər kinet′ik] adj … English World dictionary
Hyperkinesia — This article is about hyperkinesia, the pathologically increased muscular movement. For hyperkinesis, hyperactivity often seen in children, see Hyperkinesis. Hyperkinesia Basal ganglia and its normal pathways. This circuitry is often disrupted in … Wikipedia
hyperkinesia — noun Etymology: New Latin, from hyperkinesis Date: circa 1848 hyperkinesis … New Collegiate Dictionary
hyperkinesia — noun see hyperkinesis * * * hyperkinetic /huy peuhr ki net ik, kuy /, adj. /huy peuhr ki nee zheuh, zhee euh, zee euh, kuy /, n. 1. Pathol. an abnormal amount of uncontrolled muscular action; spasm. 2. Psychiatry. a disorder occurring in children … Useful english dictionary
hyperkinesia — hyperkinetic /huy peuhr ki net ik, kuy /, adj. /huy peuhr ki nee zheuh, zhee euh, zee euh, kuy /, n. 1. Pathol. an abnormal amount of uncontrolled muscular action; spasm. 2. Psychiatry. a disorder occurring in children and adolescents,… … Universalium
hyperkinesia — noun hyperkinesis … Wiktionary
hyperkinesia — hy·per·ki·ne·sia kə nē zh(ē )ə, kī n HYPERKINESIS * * * n. a state of overactive restlessness in children. • hyperkinetic adj. * * * hy·per·ki·ne·sia (hi″pər kĭ neґzhə) hyperactivity. hyperkinetic adj … Medical dictionary
hyperkinesis — [ˌhʌɪpəkɪ ni:sɪs, kʌɪ ] (also hyperkinesia) noun 1》 Medicine muscle spasm. 2》 Psychiatry a disorder of children marked by hyperactivity and inability to concentrate. Derivatives hyperkinetic adjective Origin C19: from … English new terms dictionary
hyperkinesis, hyperkinesia — 1. Excessive motility. 2. Excessive muscular activity. SYN: hypercinesis, hypercinesia, supermotility. [hyper + G. kinesis, motion] … Medical dictionary
overextension — Synonyms and related words: bloat, bloating, breaking point, distension, extreme tension, franticness, frenziedness, haul, heave, hyperactivity, hyperkinesia, hyperkinesis, inflation, officiousness, overactivity, overdistension, overdrawing,… … Moby Thesaurus