- hypergamy
- [haıʹpɜ:gəmı] n книжн.
гипергамия (в Индии - брак женщины низшего социального положения или низшей касты с мужчиной более высокого положения или высшей касты)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Hypergamy — refers to a system of practice of selecting a spouse of higher socio economic status than oneself. Specifically, it refers to a widespread tendency amongst human cultures for females to seek or be encouraged to pursue male suitors that are… … Wikipedia
hypergamy — [hī pʉr′gə mē] n. [ HYPER + GAMY] marriage with a person of a higher social class or position hypergamous adj … English World dictionary
hypergamy — noun (plural mies) Date: 1883 marriage into an equal or higher caste or social group … New Collegiate Dictionary
hypergamy — hypergamous, adj. /huy perr geuh mee/, n. the practice among Hindu women of marrying into a caste at least as high as their own. [1880 85; HYPER + GAMY] * * * … Universalium
hypergamy — noun Act or practice of seeking a spouse of equal or higher socioeconomic status, or caste status than oneself … Wiktionary
hypergamy — [hʌɪ pə:gəmi] noun marriage to a person of a superior class. Origin C19: from hyper + Gk gamos marriage … English new terms dictionary
hypergamy — hy·per·ga·my … English syllables
hypergamy — hy•per•ga•my [[t]haɪˈpɜr gə mi[/t]] n. ant raj marriage to a person of a social status higher than one s own; orig., esp. in India, the custom of allowing a woman to marry only into her own or a higher social group • Etymology: 1880–85… … From formal English to slang
hypergamy — n. marriage with person of same or higher caste only … Dictionary of difficult words
hypergamy — n. marriage to a person of equal or superior caste or class. Etymology: HYPER + Gk gamos marriage … Useful english dictionary
ГИПЕРГАМИЯ — (hypergamy) процесс внутри касты, в ходе которого женщине, состоящей в браке, может быть позволен переход в касту мужа (но не наоборот) … Большой толковый социологический словарь