- antitrust
- [͵æntıʹtrʌst] a преим. амер.
антимонополистический, антитрестовский, направленный против монополий и т. п.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
antitrust — [ ɑ̃titrɶst ] adj. • mil. XXe; angl. Anti Trust Act (1890) ♦ Qui s oppose à la constitution, l action des trusts. Lois antitrusts. ● antitrust adjectif invariable Opposé à l action des coalitions de producteurs qui empêchent toute concurrence… … Encyclopédie Universelle
antitrust — an‧ti‧trust [ˌæntiˈtrʌst] also anti trust adjective [only before a noun] LAW relating to laws in the US that make it illegal for a company or group of companies to restrict competition, set up a monopoly, or limit another person s freedom to run… … Financial and business terms
antitrust — ANTITRÚST adj. invar. Care este (folosit) împotriva trusturilor (1). – Din engl. antitrust. Trimis de ana zecheru, 20.03.2007. Sursa: DEX 98 antitrúst adj. invar. Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic ANTITRÚST adj … Dicționar Român
antitrust — an·ti·trust /ˌan tē trəst, ˌan ˌtī / adj: of, relating to, or being legislation against or opposition to business trusts or combinations; specif: consisting of laws to protect trade and commerce from unlawful restraints and monopolies or unfair… … Law dictionary
antitrust — adj. 1. opposed to trusts, monopolies, or other large combinations of business or capital which threaten fair competition; designed to protect trade and commerce from unfair business practices; of laws and regulations. Syn: antimonopoly. [WordNet … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
antitrust — (adj.) also anti trust, 1890, U.S., from ANTI (Cf. anti ) + TRUST (Cf. trust) (n.) in the economic monopoly sense … Etymology dictionary
antitrust — / antiˈtrast/ agg. inv. antimonopolio … Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione
Antitrust L.J. — Antitrust Law Journal … Black's law dictionary
antitrust — ☆ antitrust [an΄tī trust′, an΄tētrust′ ] adj. opposed to or regulating trusts; specif., designating or of federal laws, suits, etc. designed to prevent restraints on trade, as by business monopolies, cartels, etc … English World dictionary
AntiTrust — Sherman Antitrust Act Pour les articles homonymes, voir Antitrust. Le Sherman Anti Trust Act du 2 juillet 1890 est la première tentative du gouvernement américain de limiter les comportements anticoncurrentiels des entreprises : il … Wikipédia en Français
Antitrust — Kartellrecht ist ein Teil des Wirtschaftsrechts. Im engeren Sinne besteht Kartellrecht aus den Regelungen bezüglich wirtschaftlicher Kartelle, die zwischen Unternehmen und sonstigen Marktakteuren getroffen werden. Im weiteren Sinne umfasst… … Deutsch Wikipedia