- hydrus
- [ʹhaıdrəs] = hydra 4
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Hydrus — Nombre Latino Hydrus Abreviatura Hyi … Wikipedia Español
HYDRUS — Hebr. saraph, serpentis genus consideratione dignissimum, cum et Christi typus fuerit, Num. c. 21. v. 9. et Ioh. c. 3. v. 14. Angelorumque nobilissimos habeat cognomines, Es. c. 6. v. 2. Accedit, quod serpentum solus volare legitur, Idem c. 14. v … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Hydrus — Hy drus, n. [L., a water serpent; also, a certain constellation, Gr. y dros.] (Astron.) A constellation of the southern hemisphere, near the south pole. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Hydrus — Hydrus, die kleine Wasserschlange (s. d.), Sternbild … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Hydrus — Hydrus, Abkürzung Hyi, lateinischer Name des Sternbildes Südliche (Männliche oder Kleine) Wasserschlange … Universal-Lexikon
Hydrus — [hī′drəs] n. [L < Gr hydros, water snake, akin to hydōr, WATER] a S constellation near the celestial pole … English World dictionary
Hydrus — Infobox Constellation name = Hydrus abbreviation = Hyi genitive = Hydri symbology = the water snake RA = 0h05m 4h40m dec= −58° −82 areatotal = 243 arearank = 61st numbermainstars = 3 numberbfstars = 19 numberstarsplanets = 1 numberbrightstars = 2 … Wikipedia
Hydrus — Daten des Sternbildes Kleine Wasserschlange Deutscher Name Kleine Wasserschlange Lateinischer Name Hydrus Lateinischer Genitiv Hydri Lateinische Abkürzung Hyi Rektaszension 0h 05m bis 4h 36m … Deutsch Wikipedia
HYDRUS (software) — HYDRUS is a collection of software tools for modeling liquid flow in porous media, especially water flow in both saturated and unsaturated soil. Tools include the numerical solutions for Richards equation in 1, 2 or 3 dimensions, a graphical user … Wikipedia
Hydrus (legendary creature) — Hydrus is a snake from Medieval bestiaries. They were said to be found in the Nile River, where they would swim into crocodiles mouths and eat their way out of the crocodiles sides, killing them.External links* [http://bestiary.ca/beasts/beast272 … Wikipedia
Hydrus — /huy dreuhs/, n., gen. Hydri / druy/. Astron. the Water Snake, a southern constellation between Eridanus and Octans. [ < L < Gk hýdros water serpent] * * * … Universalium