- hydroquinone
- [͵haıdrəʋkwıʹnəʋn] n хим., фото
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Hydroquinone — Hydroquinone … Wikipedia
Hydroquinone — Formule semi développée de l hydroquinone Général Nom IUPAC benzène 1,4 diol … Wikipédia en Français
HYDROQUINONE — Benzène 1,4 diol ou paradiphénol Masse moléculaire: 110,11 g Masse spécifique: 1,358 g/cm3 Point de fusion: 170,5 0C Point d’ébullition: 286,2 0C. Composé dimorphe: cristallise en prismes hexagonaux incolores après recristallisation dans l’eau,… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Hydroquinone — Hy dro*qui none, n. [Hydro , 2 + quinone.] (Chem.) A white crystalline substance, {C6H4(OH)2}, obtained by the reduction of quinone. It is a diacid phenol, resembling, and metameric with, pyrocatechin and resorcin. Called also {dihydroxy benzene} … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
hydroquinone — [hī΄drōkwin′ôl, hī΄drō kwin′ōlhī΄drō kwi nōn′, hī΄drōkwin′ōn΄] n. [ HYDRO + QUINONE] a white, crystalline substance, C6H4 (OH) 2, used in photographic developers, dyes, paints, etc. and in medicine to remove pigmentation from the skin: also… … English World dictionary
hydroquinone — hidrochinonas statusas T sritis chemija formulė C₆H₄(OH)₂ atitikmenys: angl. hydroquinone rus. гидрохинон ryšiai: sinonimas – 1,4 benzendiolis … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
Hydroquinone glucosyltransferase — In enzymology, a hydroquinone glucosyltransferase (EC number| is an enzyme that catalyzes the chemical reaction:UDP glucose + hydroquinone ightleftharpoons UDP + hydroquinone O beta D glucopyranosideThus, the two substrates of this… … Wikipedia
hydroquinone — noun Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary Date: circa 1872 a white crystalline strongly reducing phenol C6H6O2 used especially as a photographic developer, as an antioxidant and stabilizer, and in medicine to remove pigmentation from… … New Collegiate Dictionary
hydroquinone — /huy droh kwi nohn , dreuh kwin ohn/, n. Chem. a white, crystalline compound, C6H6O2, formed by the reduction of quinone: used chiefly in photography and to inhibit autoxidation reactions. Also called hydroquinol /huy dreuh kwin awl, ol/, quinol … Universalium
hydroquinone — noun The diphenol para dihydroxy benzene, used as a mild reducing agent in photographic developing; isomeric with catechol and resorcinol … Wiktionary
hydroquinone — An antioxidant used in ointments. SYN: hydroquinol, quinol. * * * hy·dro·qui·none kwin ōn, kwin .ōn n a bleaching agent C6H6O2 used topically to remove pigmentation from hyperpigmented areas of skin (as a lentigo or freckle) * * * hy·dro·quin·one … Medical dictionary