- hydrofluoric
- [͵haıdrəʋflu:ʹɒrık] a хим.
hydrofluoric acid - фтористоводородная /плавиковая/ кислота
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
hydrofluoric acid - фтористоводородная /плавиковая/ кислота
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Hydrofluoric — Hy dro*flu*or ic, a. [Hydro , 2 + fluoric.] (Chem.) Pertaining to, or containing, hydrogen and fluorine; fluohydric; as, hydrofluoric acid. [1913 Webster] {Hydrofluoric acid} (Chem.), a colorless, mobile, volatile liquid, {HF}, very corrosive in… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
hydrofluoric — /huy dreuh floor ik, flawr , flor /, adj. of or derived from hydrofluoric acid. [1815 25; HYDRO 2 + FLUORIC] * * * … Universalium
hydrofluoric — adj. of or derived from hydrofluoric acid (Chemistry) … English contemporary dictionary
hydrofluoric — /huy dreuh floor ik, flawr , flor /, adj. of or derived from hydrofluoric acid. [1815 25; HYDRO 2 + FLUORIC] … Useful english dictionary
Hydrofluoric acid — Hydrofluoric Hy dro*flu*or ic, a. [Hydro , 2 + fluoric.] (Chem.) Pertaining to, or containing, hydrogen and fluorine; fluohydric; as, hydrofluoric acid. [1913 Webster] {Hydrofluoric acid} (Chem.), a colorless, mobile, volatile liquid, {HF}, very… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
hydrofluoric acid — [hī΄drōflôr′ik, hī΄drōfloor′ik] [ HYDRO + FLUOR(INE) + IC] n. a strong, fuming acid that is a water solution of the gas, or liquid, hydrogen fluoride (H6F6, H4F4, H2F2, or HF, depending on the temperature): it reacts with silicates and is… … English World dictionary
Hydrofluoric acid — Chembox new ImageFile = Hydrogen fluoride.svg ImageSize = 100px ImageName = Hydrofluoric acid ImageFile1 = Hydrogen fluoride 3D vdW.png ImageSize1 = 100px ImageName1 = Hydrogen fluoride molecule OtherNames = fluoric acid; fluorhydric acid… … Wikipedia
hydrofluoric acid — vandenilio fluoridas statusas T sritis chemija formulė HF atitikmenys: angl. fluor hydric acid; fluoric acid; fluorohydrogen acid; hydrofluoric acid; hydrogen fluoride rus. водорода фторид; плавиковая кислота; фтористоводородная кислота;… … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
hydrofluoric — adjective Containing hydrogen and fluorine. Syn: fluohydric … Wiktionary
hydrofluoric — hy·dro·fluoric … English syllables
hydrofluoric acid — noun Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary Date: 1830 an aqueous solution of hydrogen fluoride HF that is a weak poisonous acid, that attacks silica and silicates, and that is used especially in finishing and etching glass … New Collegiate Dictionary