- hybridizable
- [ʹhaıbrıdaızəb(ə)l] a биол.
поддающийся гибридизации, способный подвергаться скрещиванию
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Hybridizable — Hy brid*i za*ble, a. Capable of forming a hybrid, or of being subjected to a hybridizing process; capable of producing a hybrid by union with another species or stock. [1913 Webster] Hybridizable genera are rarer than is generally supposed, even… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
hybridizable — hy·brid·iz·able … English syllables
hybridizable — ˈhībrə̇ˌdīzəbəl, ˌ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ˈ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ adjective 1. : capable of producing a hybrid by crossing with another species or form 2. : reproducible by hybridization … Useful english dictionary
hybridize — hybridizable, adj. hybridization, n. hybridist, hybridizer, n. /huy bri duyz /, v., hybridized, hybridizing. v.t. 1. to cause to produce hybrids; cross. 2. to breed or cause the production of (a hybrid). 3. to form in a hybrid manner. v.i … Universalium
Bernard L. Strehler — Bernard Louis Strehler (* 21. Februar 1925 in Johnstown, Cambria County, Pennsylvania; † 3. Mai 2001 in Agoura Hills, Kalifornien) war ein US amerikanischer Biologe und Gerontologe. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Werdegang und Werk 2 Bücher … Deutsch Wikipedia
hybridize — or hybridise verb cross breed to produce hybrids. Derivatives hybridizable adjective hybridization noun hybridizer noun … English new terms dictionary
hybridize — v. (also ise) 1 tr. subject (a species etc.) to cross breeding. 2 intr. a produce hybrids. b (of an animal or plant) interbreed. Derivatives: hybridizable adj. hybridization n … Useful english dictionary