
1. [ʹhaıəlın] n
1. поэт.
1) зеркальная гладь (моря)
2) ясность и прозрачность (неба)
2. биол. гиалин, гиалиновое вещество
2. [ʹhaıəlın] a
1. прозрачный, кристально чистый; зеркальный
2. спец. стекловидный, гиалиновый

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "hyaline" в других словарях:

  • Hyaline — Hy a*line, n. 1. A poetic term for the sea or the atmosphere. The clear hyaline, the glassy sea. Milton. [1913 Webster] Our blood runs amazed neath the calm hyaline. Mrs. Browning. [1913 Webster] 2. (Biol.) The pellucid substance, present in… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Hyaline — Hy a*line, a. [L. hyalinus, Gr. ?, fr. y alos glass: cf. F. hyalin.] Glassy; resembling glass; consisting of glass; transparent, like crystal. Hyaline spaces. Carpenter. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • hyaline — index pellucid Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • hyaline — 1660s, from L. hyalinus, from Gk. hyalinos of glass or crystal, from hyalos glass (see HYALO (Cf. hyalo )) …   Etymology dictionary

  • hyaline — [hī′ə lin, hī′əlēn΄, hī′əlīn΄] adj. [LL hyalinus < Gr hyalinos, glassy < hyalos, glass] 1. transparent as glass; glassy 2. of or relating to hyalin n. anything transparent or glassy, as a smooth sea or clear sky …   English World dictionary

  • Hyaline — The term hyaline (from the Greek ὕαλος ‘glassy’) literally refers to a substance with a glass like appearance. In common medical histopathological usage, hyaline is a substance with a glassy, pink appearance after haematoxylin and eosin staining… …   Wikipedia

  • hyaline — Clear, transparent, granule free; as for example hyaline cartilage and the hyaline zone at the front of a moving amoeba …   Dictionary of molecular biology

  • hyaline — Relating to transparent or colorless hyphae or other fungal structures. SYN: hyaloid. [G. hyalos, glass] * * * hy·a·line hī ə lən, .līn adj transparent or nearly transparent and usu. homogeneous hyaline n 1) or hy·a·lin ə lən a nitrogenous… …   Medical dictionary

  • Hyaline — Opal AN Opal AN est la terminologie retenue pour désigner une variété d opale la HYALITE. La formule chimique est celle de l opale : SiO2nH2O. L etymologie de hyalite dérive du grec ancien ὕαλος, « qui a la transparence du verre » …   Wikipédia en Français

  • hyaline — n. /huy euh leen , lin/; adj. /huy euh lin, luyn /, n. 1. Also, hyalin /huy euh lin/. Biochem. a. a horny substance found in hydatid cysts, closely resembling chitin. b. a structureless, transparent substance found in cartilage, the eye, etc.,… …   Universalium

  • hyaline — 1. adjective /ˈhʌɪəlɪn,ˈhʌɪəliːn/ Glassy, transparent; amorphous. , 1974: They bathed shivering in the cold waves, green hyaline swells in which they stood to the hips savage, intimate, comradely. Guy Davenport, Tatlin! 2. noun… …   Wiktionary

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