- huzzah
1> возгласы ликования, "ура!"
2> кричать "ура!"
3> ура!
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Huzzah — (originally huzza) is an English interjection of joy or approbation. According to the Oxford English Dictionary it is apparently a mere exclamation without any particular derivation. Whatever its origins, it has seen occasional literary use since … Wikipedia
Huzzah! — is an out of print board game that was produced by Cheapass Games until 2002. It is based on Renaissance fairs.The game can now be downloaded as a PDF file from the company s website.External links* [http://www.cheapass.com/free/games/hazzah.html … Wikipedia
huzzah — or huzza [hə zä′, həzô′] interj., n., vi., vt. [echoic] archaic var. of HURRAH … English World dictionary
huzzah — /heuh zah /, interj. 1. (used as an exclamation of joy, applause, appreciation, etc.) hurrah! n. 2. the exclamation huzzah. 3. an instance of giving praise or applause; accolade: The newspaper s review was one big huzzah for the new movie. v.i. 4 … Universalium
huzzah — 1. noun /həˈzɑː/ A cheer often associated with sailors, shouted by a group in praise of a thing or event. 2. verb /həˈzɑː/ To cheer with a huzzah sound. Syn: heave, heave ho, hooray, hurrah … Wiktionary
Huzzah, Missouri — Huzzah is an unincorporated community in eastern Crawford County, Missouri, United States. It is located about twelve miles east of Steelville in the Mark Twain National Forest. The name is derived from Wazházhe or Osage Nation … Wikipedia
huzzah — or huzza noun Etymology: origin unknown Date: 1573 an expression or shout of acclaim often used interjectionally to express joy or approbation … New Collegiate Dictionary
huzzah — Synonyms and related words: alleluia, applaud, applause, cheer, chorus of cheers, cry, cry for joy, give a cheer, hallelujah, hooray, hosanna, hurrah, hurray, paean, rah, shout, shout hosanna, yell, yippee … Moby Thesaurus
huzzah! — expression of triumph and contempt, takes place of phrases like How d you like the taste of THAT?! … Dictionary of american slang
huzzah! — expression of triumph and contempt, takes place of phrases like How d you like the taste of THAT?! … Dictionary of american slang
huzzah — interj. hurray! (used to express excitement and enthusiasm) … English contemporary dictionary