- huronian
- 1. [hjʋ(ə)ʹrəʋnıən] n
1) гуронский период2) гуронская геологическая система2. [hjʋ(ə)ʹrəʋnıən] a геол.гуронский, относящийся к протерозою области Великих озёр
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
huronian — huronián s. n. Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic HURONIÁN s.n. Subdiviziune superioară a erei arhaice. // adj. Catenă huroniană = lanţ de munţi formaţi în precambrian, întinzându se din Scandinavia până în Canada. [pron … Dicționar Român
Huronian — Hu*ro ni*an, a. [Named from Lake Huron.] (Geol.) Of or pertaining to certain non fossiliferous rocks on the borders of Lake Huron, which are supposed to correspond in time to the latter part of the Arch[ae]an age. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Huronian glaciation — The Huronian glaciation (or Makganyene glaciation) extended from 2400 Mya to 2100 Mya, during the Siderian and Rhyacian periods of the Paleoproterozoic era, triggered by the oxygen catastrophe, which oxidised the atmospheric methane (a greenhouse … Wikipedia
Huronian System — ▪ geology major division of Precambrian rocks in North America (the Precambrian began about 3.8 billion years ago and ended 540 million years ago). The Huronian System is well known in the Great Lakes region and has been divided into three… … Universalium
huronian — hu·ro·ni·an … English syllables
huronian — hyüˈrōnēən adjective Usage: usually capitalized Etymology: Lake Huron (north of which the system was first differentiated) : of or relating to a division of the Proterozoic see geologic time table … Useful english dictionary
Great Oxygenation Event — O2 build up in the Earth s atmosphere. Red and green lines represent the range of the estimates while time is measured in billions of years ago (Ga). Stage 1 (3.85–2.45 Ga): Practically no O2 in the atmosphere. Stage 2 (2.45–1.85 Ga): O2 produced … Wikipedia
Precambrian time — Interval of geologic time from с 3. 8 billion years ago, the age of the oldest known rocks, to 544 million years ago, the beginning of the Cambrian Period. This interval represents more than 80% of the geologic record and thus provides important… … Universalium
Nipissing sills — associated with Ungava magmatic event The Nipissing sills, also called the Nipissing diabase, is a large 2217– to 2210–million year old group of sills in the Superior craton of the Canadian Shield in Ontario, Canada … Wikipedia
Snowball Earth — The Snowball Earth hypothesis as it was originally proposedcite book author = Kirschvink, J.L. year = 1992 chapter = Late Proterozoic low latitude global glaciation: The snowball Earth title = The Proterozoic Biosphere: A Multidisciplinary Study… … Wikipedia
Bruce Series — ▪ geology division of Precambrian rocks in North America that is well developed northeast of the Lake Huron region (the Precambrian began about 3.8 billion years ago and ended 540 million years ago). The Bruce Series is the lowermost of the … Universalium