- hurling
- [ʹhɜ:lıŋ] n
1. бросание, швыряние; метание2. ирландский травяной хоккей
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Hurling — (in Irish, iománaíocht or iomáint ) is an outdoor team sport of ancient Gaelic origin, administered by the Gaelic Athletic Association, and played with sticks called hurleys and a ball called a sliotar. The game, played primarily in Ireland, has… … Wikipedia
Hurling — Fédération Association athlétique gaélique Principale nation Irlande Principales compétitions All Ireland Senior Hurling Championship … Wikipédia en Français
Hurling — (irisch: Iomáint, Iománaíocht) ist ein Mannschaftssport keltischen Ursprungs, der mit Stöcken und einem Ball gespielt wird. Es wird hauptsächlich in Irland gespielt und ist eine der schnellsten Mannschaftssportarten der Welt. Es gibt Parallelen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
hurling — s.n. Joc sportiv originar din Irlanda, care se practică cu o minge de plută îmbrăcată în piele, condusă şi lovită cu un fel de crosă, şi care trebuie introdusă în poarta adversă. [pron. árling. / < engl. hurling) Trimis de LauraGellner,… … Dicționar Român
Hurling — Hurl ing, n. 1. The act of throwing with force. [1913 Webster] 2. A kind of game at ball, formerly played. [1913 Webster] Hurling taketh its denomination from throwing the ball. Carew. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
hurling — (n.) verbal noun of HURL (Cf. hurl) (q.v.); attested 1520s as a form of hockey played in Ireland; c.1600 as the name of a game like hand ball that once was popular in Cornwall … Etymology dictionary
hurling — ► NOUN ▪ an Irish game resembling hockey, played with a shorter stick with a broader oval blade … English terms dictionary
hurling — [hʉr′liŋ] n. [< HURL] an Irish game resembling field hockey … English World dictionary
Hurling — Sliotar (pelota) y hurley (palo) … Wikipedia Español
hurling — Once popular throughout Cornwall, hurling now survives traditionally in only two places St Columb Major and St Ives. It is a street ball game, similar to the mass football customs described elsewhere, but in hurling the ball is thrown or… … A Dictionary of English folklore
hurling — /herr ling/, n. 1. the act of throwing or casting, esp. with great force or strength. 2. a traditionally Irish game played by two teams of 15 players each on a rectangular field 140 yards (128 m) long, points being scored by hitting, pushing,… … Universalium