Смотреть что такое "hundredor" в других словарях:
hundredor — hunˈdreder or hunˈdredor noun (historical) The bailiff or an inhabitant of a hundred • • • Main Entry: ↑hundred … Useful english dictionary
hundredarius — /handraderiyas/ In old English law, a hundredary or hundredor. A name given to the chief officer of a hundred, as well as to the freeholders who composed it … Black's law dictionary
hundredors — /handradarz/ In English law, the inhabitants or freeholders of a hundred, anciently the suitors or judges of the hundred court. Persons impaneled or fit to be impaneled upon juries, dwelling within the hundred where the cause of action arose. It… … Black's law dictionary
hundredarius — /handraderiyas/ In old English law, a hundredary or hundredor. A name given to the chief officer of a hundred, as well as to the freeholders who composed it … Black's law dictionary
hundredors — /handradarz/ In English law, the inhabitants or freeholders of a hundred, anciently the suitors or judges of the hundred court. Persons impaneled or fit to be impaneled upon juries, dwelling within the hundred where the cause of action arose. It… … Black's law dictionary