- humourless
- [ʹhju:məlıs] a
лишённый чувства юмора; сухой, скучный
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
humourless — (Brit.) hu·mour·less || hjuËmÉ™(r)lɪs adj. lacking humor (also humorless) … English contemporary dictionary
humourless — [[t]hju͟ːmə(r)ləs[/t]] ADJ GRADED (disapproval) If you accuse someone of being humourless, you mean that they are very serious about everything and do not find things amusing. He was a straight faced, humourless character. Syn: solemn (in AM, use … English dictionary
humourless — adj. Humourless/humorless is used with these nouns: ↑laugh, ↑smile … Collocations dictionary
humourless — UK [ˈhjuːmə(r)ləs] / US [ˈhjumərləs] adjective a) unable to see when something is funny, usually because of being too serious b) a humourless smile or laugh expresses no pleasure … English dictionary
humourless — humour (US humor) ► NOUN 1) the quality of being amusing or comic. 2) a state of mind: her good humour vanished. 3) (also cardinal humour) historical each of four fluids of the body (blood, phlegm, yellow bile or choler, and black bile or… … English terms dictionary
humourless — hu|mour|less BrE humorless AmE [ˈhju:mələs US ˈhju:mər ,ˈju: ] adj too serious and not able to laugh at things that other people think are funny >humourlessly adv … Dictionary of contemporary English
humourless — hu|mour|less [ hjumərləs ] the British spelling of humorless … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
humourless — adjective too serious and not able to laugh at things that other people think are amusing humourlessly adverb humourlessness noun (U) … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
humourless — [ˈhjuːmələs] adj unable to see when something is funny, or showing that you do not think that something is funny … Dictionary for writing and speaking English
humourless — adjective lacking humor it was a humorless wink; a wink of warning Truman Capote • Syn: ↑humorless, ↑unhumorous • Ant: ↑humorous (for: ↑humorless) … Useful english dictionary
The Office (UK TV series) — The Office Genre Sitcom Mockumentary Created by Ricky Gervais Stephen Merchant Writt … Wikipedia