- humbugger
- [ʹhʌm͵bʌgə] = humbug I 3
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Humbugger — Hum bug ger, n. One who humbugs. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
humbugger — See humbug. * * * … Universalium
humbugger — n. trickster, imposter, one who stages a hoax … English contemporary dictionary
humbugger — humˈbugger noun • • • Main Entry: ↑humbug … Useful english dictionary
humbug — humbugger, n. /hum bug /, n., v., humbugged, humbugging, interj. n. 1. something intended to delude or deceive. 2. the quality of falseness or deception. 3. a person who is not what he or she claims or pretends to be; impostor. 4. something… … Universalium
Humbug — (engl., spr. hömmbögg, bei uns gewöhnlicher: húmmbug), nordamerikan. Ausdruck, etwa unserm »Schwindel« entsprechend, eine schlau oder marktschreierisch verbreitete Erdichtung, um der leichtgläubigen Menge das Geld aus der Tasche zu locken. »König … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
bamboozler — n 1. deceiver, deluder, beguiler, hoodwinker; duper, hoaxer, humbugger; fraud, fake, phony, imposter, liar; pretender, charlatan, quack, mountebank, empiric. 2. trickster, prankster, joker, jokester, practical joker; swindler, cheat, cheater,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
humbug — n 1. hoax, fraud, wile, ruse, sham, Archaic. chouse; deception, delusion, imposition, imposture, artifice, pretense, humbuggery; dissemblance, misrepresentation, falsehood, lie, fabrication, fiction, dodge, blind, feint, shift, Inf. song and… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
pretender — n 1. humbug, humbugger, masquer ader, wolf in sheep s clothing, dissembler, hypocrite, Pharisee; imposter, fake, Inf. faker, fraud, sham, phony; charlatan, quack, empiric, mountebank, Inf. shyster; deceiver, bamboozler, hoodwinker, trickster;… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
swindler — n 1. highbinder, cheat, cheater, fraud, defrauder, confidence man, Sl. con man, Sl. flimflam man, bunko artist, crook, chiseler; sharper, sharpie, Sl. city slicker, Inf. fast talker, Inf. hawk, shark, bilk, bilker, diddler; duper, hoaxer,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
trickster — n 1. deceiver, deluder, hoodwinker, beguiler, inveigler, bamboozler, dissembler, bluff, pettifogger; fake, faker, phony, humbug; imposter, mas querader, pretender, mountebank, hypocrite, charlatan, Inf. quack; adventurer, rogue, picaroon, rascal … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder