huggermugger — [hug′ər mug΄ər] n. 〚earlier also hokermoker, apparently rhyming comp. based on ME mokeren, to hoard, conceal > the basic sense “secrecy”〛 1. a confusion; muddle; jumble 2. Archaic secrecy adj. 1. confused; muddled; jumbled 2 … Universalium
huggermugger — [hug′ər mug΄ər] n. [earlier also hokermoker, apparently rhyming comp. based on ME mokeren, to hoard, conceal > the basic sense “secrecy”] 1. a confusion; muddle; jumble 2. Archaic secrecy adj. 1. confused; muddled; jumbled 2. Archaic secret… … English World dictionary
huggermugger — adjective /ˈhʌɡ.əˌmʌɡ.ə,ˌhʌɡ.əˈmʌɡ.ə,ˈhʌɡ.ɚˌmʌɡ.ɚ/ a) Secret; clandestine; sly. b) Confused; disorderly; slovenly; mean; as, hugger mugger doings … Wiktionary
huggermugger — (Roget s Thesaurus II) I (or hugger mugger) noun The habit, practice, or policy of keeping secrets: clandestineness, clandestinity, concealment, covertness, huggermuggery, secrecy, secretiveness, secretness. See SHOW. II (or hugger mugger)… … English dictionary for students
Dick Guindon — BrightBridge Studios created a website for Dick Guindon that enables him to easily add new cartoons and categorize content as he desires. Richard Dick Gordon Guindon (born December 2, 1935, St. Paul, Minnesota) is an American cartoonist best… … Wikipedia
The September When — was a Norwegian rock band formed in Stavanger in 1987, by vocalist Morten Abel, guitarist Tor Øyvind Syvertsen and keyboardist Helge Hummervoll, all former members of the band Mods. They signed a recording contract with Warner Music in Norway,… … Wikipedia
Christopher Pearse Cranch — (March 8, 1813 – January 20, 1892) was an American writer and artist. Contents 1 Biography … Wikipedia
Morten Abel — at the Slottsfjell festival, July 2009 Background information Birth name Morten Abel Knutsen Born … Wikipedia
James Joyce — James Joyce … Wikipedia Español
clandestine — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) adj. secret, furtive, sly, undercover; veiled; illicit, fraudulent. See concealment. Ant., open, aboveboard. II (Roget s IV) modif. Syn. furtive, secret, private, surreptitious; see hidden 2 , secret 3 … English dictionary for students
concealment — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Keeping secret Nouns 1. concealment; hiding[ place]; curtain, screen, blind; smokescreen, ambush, camouflage; hideaway, hideout, sanctum sanctorum, safe house; secret passage or exit, back or side door,… … English dictionary for students