
[͵æntıpaı(ə)ʹrɒtık] n фарм.
средство против ожогов; препарат, заживляющий ожоги

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "antipyrotic" в других словарях:

  • Antipyrotic — An ti*py*rot ic, a. (Med.) Good against burns or pyrosis. n. Anything of use in preventing or healing burns or pyrosis. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • antipyrotic — /an tee puy rot ik, an tuy /, Med., Pharm. adj. 1. relieving the pain and stimulating the healing of burns. n. 2. an antipyrotic agent. [1830 40; ANTI + Gk pyrotikós burning, equiv. to pyro , verbid s. of pyroûn to burn + tikos TIC] * * *… …   Useful english dictionary

  • antipyrotic — /an tee puy rot ik, an tuy /, Med., Pharm. adj. 1. relieving the pain and stimulating the healing of burns. n. 2. an antipyrotic agent. [1830 40; ANTI + Gk pyrotikós burning, equiv. to pyro , verbid s. of pyroûn to burn + tikos TIC] * * * …   Universalium

  • antipyrotic — 1. SYN: antiphlogistic. 2. Relieving the pain and promoting the healing of superficial burns. 3. A topical application for burns. [anti + G. pyrotikos, burning, inflaming] * * * an·ti·py·rot·ic (an″te ) (an″ti pi rotґik) [anti +… …   Medical dictionary

  • antipyrotic —   a.,n. (treatment) used against burns …   Dictionary of difficult words

  • berberine — /berr beuh reen /, n. Pharm. a white or yellow, crystalline, water soluble alkaloid, C20H19NO5, derived from barberry or goldenseal, used as an antipyrotic, antibacterial, and stomachic. [1860 65; < NL Berber(is) (see BERBERIDACEOUS) + INE1] * *… …   Universalium

  • antiphlogistic — 1. Older term denoting preventing or relieving inflammation. 2. An agent that reduces inflammation. SYN: antipyrotic (1). [anti + G. phogistos, burnt up] * * * an·ti·phlo·gis·tic flə jis tik adj or n ANTI INFLAMMATORY * * * an·ti·phlo·gis·tic… …   Medical dictionary

  • an|ti|py|rot|ic — «AN tee py ROT ihk», noun, adjective. –n. a drug or agent that heals or relieves burns. –adj. that acts as an antipyrotic. ╂[< anti + Greek pyrōtikós burning < pyroûn to burn < pyr fire] …   Useful english dictionary

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