- howff
- 1. [haʋf,həʋf] n шотл.
приют, прибежище, пристанище2. [haʋf,həʋf] v шотл.1. искать пристанища2. навещать знакомые места
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
howff — or howf noun Etymology: Dutch hof enclosure; akin to Old English hof enclosure, and perhaps to hufil hill Date: 1711 Scottish haunt, resort … New Collegiate Dictionary
howff — /howf, owf; hohf, ohf/, Scot. n. 1. an abode; a familiar shelter or resort. v.i. 2. to reside. 3. to visit a familiar haunt. [1555 65; orig. uncert.] * * * … Universalium
howff — Scottish Vernacular Dictionary Public house, usually of the spit and sawdust variety … English dialects glossary
Howff — a regular meeting place, usually a pub, where friends gather. Derived from a Dutch/Flemish word hof which is a courtyard or enclosed space … Scottish slang
howff — [haʊf] noun Scottish a favourite haunt, especially a pub. Origin C16 (as the name of the main burial ground in Dundee): of unknown origin … English new terms dictionary
howff — I. noun see howf I II. intransitive verb see howf II … Useful english dictionary
Burns Howff — The Burns Howff is probably the best known Rock and Blues music venue in Glasgow. It was located on West Regent Street in the city centre and established a reputation as the launch pad for many Scottish musicians. Burns Howff resident bands… … Wikipedia
howf — I. noun or howff ˈhəu̇f ( s) Etymology: Dutch hof enclosure, burial ground, garden, resort; akin to Old English hof enclosure, court, dwelling, temple, Old High German, court, garden, landed property, Old Norse, enclosure, roofed tem … Useful english dictionary
Dumfries — For other uses, see Dumfries (disambiguation). Coordinates: 55°04′12″N 3°36′11″W / 55.070°N 3.603°W / 55.070; 3.603 … Wikipedia
Archie Fisher — MBE is a Scottish folk singer.The early yearsArchie Fisher was born in Glasgow on 23 October, 1939 into a large singing family. Two of his six sisters Ray and Cilla Fisher, are also professional singers. In 1960 he moved to Edinburgh and appeared … Wikipedia
Isabel Pagan — (ca. 1740 ndash; 1821) was a Scottish poet of the Romantic Era.Isobel Pagan was born in 1741, about 4 miles from Nith head in the Parish of New Cumnock, where she lived until 14 years of age. Lame from birth with a deformed foot, she also had a… … Wikipedia