- hotheaded
- [͵hɒtʹhedıd] a
горячий, вспыльчивый; опрометчивый; импульсивный
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
hotheaded — adj. 1. same as {hot headed}. Syn: choleric, irascible, hot headed, hot tempered, quick tempered, short tempered. [WordNet 1.5] 2. liable to act with undue haste and without consideration. Syn: brainish, impulsive, impetuous, madcap,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
hotheaded — index impulsive (rash) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
hotheaded — [adj] quick tempered easily provoked, excitable, explosive, hot tempered, impetuous, passionate, rash, short fused, touchy, volatile; concepts 401,542,548 … New thesaurus
hotheaded — [hät′hed΄id] adj. 1. quick tempered; easily made angry 2. hasty; rash hotheadedly adv. hotheadedness n … English World dictionary
hotheaded — hotheadedly, adv. hotheadedness, n. /hot hed id/, adj. 1. hot or fiery in spirit or temper; impetuous; rash: Hotheaded people shouldn t drive cars. 2. easily angered; quick to take offense. [1635 45; HOT + HEAD + ED3] * * * … Universalium
hotheaded — adjective Desi could camp it up as the hotheaded Cuban bandleader Syn: impetuous, impulsive, headstrong, reckless, rash, irresponsible, foolhardy, madcap, devil may care; excitable, volatile, explosive, fiery, hot tempered, quick tempered, unruly … Thesaurus of popular words
hotheaded — adj. impetuous, excitable. Derivatives: hotheadedly adv. hotheadedness n. * * * hotheadedly, adv. hotheadedness, n. /hot hed id/, adj. 1. hot or fiery in spirit or temper; impetuous; rash: Hotheaded people shouldn t drive cars. 2. easily ang … Useful english dictionary
Hotheaded Naked Ice Borer — The Hotheaded Naked Ice Borer is a fictional animal invented by Discover magazine as an April Fool s Day joke. A short article on the Hotheaded Naked Ice Borer first appeared in the April, 1995 issue of Discover magazine. The article was written… … Wikipedia
hotheaded — adjective Date: 1641 easily angered ; fiery, impetuous • hotheadedly adverb • hotheadedness noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
hotheaded — adjective Pertaining to or characteristic of a hothead or hotheadedness; (of a person) easily excited or angered. Such an opportunity can hardly again occur to an ancient and grey haired man; and to see it lost by the madcap spleen of a hot… … Wiktionary
hotheaded — Synonyms and related words: accident prone, ardent, brash, breakneck, careless, combustible, daredevil, desperate, devil may care, explosive, fanatic, fierce, fiery, flaming, foolhardy, furious, hard core, harum scarum, hasty, headlong, heated,… … Moby Thesaurus