- hotchpot
- [ʹhɒtʃpɒt] n
1. юр. объединение имущества с целью его равного раздела (особ. при наследовании имущества родителей по закону)2. = hodgepodge I
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
hotchpot — hotch·pot / häch ˌpät/ n [Anglo French hochepot, from Old French, thick soup or stew, from hochier to shake + pot pot] 1: the combining of properties into a common lot to ensure equality of division among those entitled to a share of an estate… … Law dictionary
Hotchpot — Hotch pot , Hotchpotch Hotch potch , n. [F. hochepot, fr. hocher to shake + pot pot; both of Dutch or German origin; cf. OD. hutspot hotchpotch, D. hotsen, hutsen, to shake. See {Hustle}, and {Pot}, and cf. {Hodgepodge}.] 1. A mingled mass; a… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
hotchpot — [häch′pät΄] n. [ME hochepot < OFr, stew < hocher, to shake (< Frank * hottisōn, akin to LowG hotzen < IE base * kwet , to shake > L quatere) + pot, POT3] Eng. Law a pooling of property of different persons for equal redistribution … English World dictionary
Hotchpot — In property law, hotchpot (sometimes referred to as hotchpotch or the hotchpotch rule) refers to the blending of property in order to secure equality of division. It usually arises in cases of divorce or in connection with advances made from the… … Wikipedia
hotchpot — The blending and mixing property belonging to different persons, in order to divide it equally. Anciently applied to the mixing and blending of lands given to one daughter in frank marriage, with those descending to her and her sisters in fee… … Black's law dictionary
hotchpot — The blending and mixing property belonging to different persons, in order to divide it equally. Anciently applied to the mixing and blending of lands given to one daughter in frank marriage, with those descending to her and her sisters in fee… … Black's law dictionary
hotchpot — noun Etymology: Anglo French hochepot Date: 1552 the combining of properties into a common lot to ensure equality of division among heirs … New Collegiate Dictionary
hotchpot — /hoch pot /, n. Law. the bringing together of shares or properties in order to divide them equally, esp. when they are to be divided among the children of a parent dying intestate. [1250 1300; ME hochepot < AF, lit., shake pot. See HOTCH, POT1] * … Universalium
hotchpot — noun The blending together of property so as to achieve equal division, especially in the case of divorce or intestacy … Wiktionary
hotchpot — hotch·pot || hÉ‘tʃpÉ‘t / hÉ’tʃpÉ’t n. combining of the various properties of a deceased person in order to evenly distribute them among the heirs (Law) … English contemporary dictionary
hotchpot — hotch·pot … English syllables